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Racism abounds!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject


Alfrescian (Inf)

It's time to stop caring about the deranged opinions of libtards, SJWs, wokesters and snowflakes.

They genuinely believe that it is a sin to be born white, 'white privilege' exists, and utopia will arrive when all the whiteys are wiped off the planet.

Many of them are self-loathing, nihilistic white people themselves. They are suicidal but are too chickenshit to actually off themselves. So they try and drag the world down to their level.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

yellow skin needs to change narrative to “golden” skin. more atas than “white” skin.


Some Yellow skin are not bad looking, some are even got the body better than whites. This is only applicable for Chinese from SG or MY only. CCP are excluded as they cannot be fun. CCP from mainland's skin is not so sensitive compared to SG or MY. I believe it is in the diet.

However, the issue is now low values as they are seen holding hands with CECA and blacks these days.
Lowering their own than values well under/below the values of CECA and blacks. Beware.

PAP must be proud of them
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