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Race, Color n our PM


See the photo. All black runners dominate the fast sprint .100m . Can u ask that black be excluded because they win too many times n now time for a white man to win .?? N Singapore flawed race policy saying time is not right for a non Chinese PM when Tharman clearly is the most qualified. N then relegate him to be a puppet president.!!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
See the photo. All black runners dominate the fast sprint .100m . Can u ask that black be excluded because they win too many times n now time for a white man to win .?? N Singapore flawed race policy saying time is not right for a non Chinese PM when Tharman clearly is the most qualified. N then relegate him to be a puppet president.!!

Only fools believe the bullshit justifications given by the PAP regime. :biggrin:

Nothing to do with race, Diaperhead Halimah was just the placeholder until the bonafide WEF globalist dog Tharman could replace her. :wink:

All the overpaid Istana doggies have been puppets of the PAP regime for a long time. It has taken precautions to ensure another 'Ong Teng Cheong mistake' never happens again. :cool:


Senior Minister Tharman joins the World Economic Forum Board of Trustees​

MAY 22, 2019

Bill proposes to allow president, ministers to take on international roles in private capacities​

NOV 06, 2023
