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(Quranic Violence) Congo: Death toll rises to 30 in Muslim raid on Christian village, victims were told to convert or die


Islam is a Sick Religion


30 Christians Killed in Eastern DRC,” International Christian Concern, December 10, 2020:

(International Christian Concern) – Gunmen believed to be linked with the Allied Democratic Forces in Eastern DRC, reportedly killed at least 30 Christians in a set of attack on villages in North Kivu province. During the attacks, which took place between November 20 and December 3, Barnabus [sic] Fund has reported that at least 30 Christians were killed, 10 women were raped, and at least 15 were abducted by the group. Another 14 people were injured during this time frame.

Barnabus reported that locals and officials confirmed these five attacks and that the militants targeted Christians. When found the Christians were told to either convert to Islam or die. Those attacked included a pastor who lost five members in his family who would not convert. “They also tried to force my wife and our four children to convert to Islam, but when they refused to convert, they shot my wife in the head while our four children were cut into pieces with a sword,” the pastor told Barnabus [sic]….

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
This is how they convert many in the past. That is why you don't find any other religion left in Muslim controlled areas like the middle east, and formally Buddhist and Christians countries.

syed putra

This is how they convert many in the past. That is why you don't find any other religion left in Muslim controlled areas like the middle east, and formally Buddhist and Christians countries.
Middle East were mixed Muslims, Christians , jews until israel was created.
Egypt 15% Coptic but declining.
Baghdad was a Jewish city.
Creation of Israel caused all these animosity.
Go check out if any Muslims were left after Christian conquered Spain. Or any native faith in south America after conquistadors invaded and seized those territories!
And look how orang asli in taiwan were forced to have mandarin names, speak mandarin and eat yucky chinese food.