Cause of CO2 uptrend on earth;
SUM TOTAL of HUMAN activities, inclusive of 6 billion humans, and all their activities, their transportation, their cars, their OIL BURNING = approximately 1%
The rest of the 99% comes from;
1. SEA
2. Rest of the Animals, and living beings.
3. Decomposing Matter
4. Erupting Volcanoes
Okay, Al Gore's inconvenient truth is a lie
He mentioned that the earth's CO2 is rising.
Yes, it is true, however, failed to mentioned that there is a 600 correlation to the earth's temperature and CO2.
It's actually reversed... When you have HOT Temperatures, after a lag of 600 years, it'll correspond to the hot temperature...
Earth's coverage of sea water is roughly 70%, and it equates to the highest output of CO2.
On Polar Caps melting, yes this is TRUE, but it is certainly NOT caused by CO2, or Green House effect.
The CO2 is all a hoax designed for people to buy into the new CARBON Tax credits... this is a new lie... however, luckily, during the Copahagen Treaty, it wasn't successful, as there was not enough money to give to the 3rd world nations.
What is truly causing the Polar Ice Cap is the SUN SPOT's activities... in recent years, when you observe the ICE CAPS of MARS, you can observe it is melting as well... what does it got to do with MARS and EARTH's CO2 right?
The SUN.
Read this backdated news and see it for yourself...
Enough said, Global Warming, Through "GREEN HOUSE" Gases CO2 is a HOAX, a BIG LIE designed to collect CARBON TAX CREDITS from the WORLD!
Don't be fooled!