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Chitchat Q&A with Tan Kin Lian (lol... comedy hour as usual)

Scrooball (clone)



1 day ago
If Mr Tan want to be honest he should say he is running as an Opposition candidate, not independent.


1 day ago
I feel that he is just digging his own grave. The more he talks, the more he discredits himself. He should just get in first than start to air his views and influence during his presidency.


1 day ago
I don't think he will be able to make himself understood when speaking with other countries' leaders...if he is elected.


1 day ago
He should stop receiving interviews. Now he lost the votes of women, teachers and his wife

Scrooball (clone)

So far I haven't heard of tkl talking anything about his glorious days in NTUC as ceo.
There must be a reason for this.
Let's put it this way la... Only Sec 4 education, proven bootlicker track record as a PAP dog.... managing a small shit company with 100 employees. How glorious can that be?

I bet he didn't get to his position without his PAP connection. So this fella is actually the worst of all humans.... biting the hand that fed him.




1 day ago
If Mr Tan want to be honest he should say he is running as an Opposition candidate, not independent.


1 day ago
I feel that he is just digging his own grave. The more he talks, the more he discredits himself. He should just get in first than start to air his views and influence during his presidency.


1 day ago
I don't think he will be able to make himself understood when speaking with other countries' leaders...if he is elected.


1 day ago
He should stop receiving interviews. Now he lost the votes of women, teachers and his wife
These young are jiakleowbee McDonald kids can't even express themselves....

Dont sit on sofa sets when talk about Important issues... stupid kids... waste time...


Let's put it this way la... Only Sec 4 education, proven bootlicker track record as a PAP dog.... managing a small shit company with 100 employees. How glorious can that be?

I bet he didn't get to his position without his PAP connection. So this fella is actually the worst of all humans.... biting the hand that fed him.
Mai gong lanjiao wei... he was qualified to enter this EP election shows he is in par with thamby qualification... gold standard...