The matter is very simple, Americans wrongly assumed that they had a heaven at home to enjoy what they plundered and looted from Asian and other 3rd world, where they are PROTECTED by their own imaginary claims of INNOCENT.

And they can bring all sorts of war and mongers all sort of deaths to the homeland of any Asian and 3rd World. And then they thought the rule was to be safe at home after the fled away from their crime scenes with the looted natural resources and wealth, and never need to face vengeance or need to pay back these debts of blood or be punished for their crimes.
They are wrong! Every one can see that they are.
There is no such thing as invaders can be considered as innocent and safe once they escaped with their looted wealth and gone back home. There had been wars and conflict and battles since the beginning of time, and this is the only way. It is not going to be changed to suit the American imaginations.
This is not that I have anything against Americans or their presidents who led these wars. This is just the norm which Americans wants to defy due to some naive ideas. Russians war with Georgians & Chechen etc. They are committed in TOTALITY as a nation. Chinese war with Japs similarly.
The motto is Civilians and Army are ONE and totally united and committed to the war fought by their NATION!
I have no choice but to point out the hypocrisy and irony of Americans, in what they called TERRORISM, when they fire missiles with their right hand and then claimed that their own left hand is INNOCENT as if it held a dove or some icon claiming to be guardian of peace or some scarlet pretence. They are the only bastards in the world claiming to be global mata while they are global bandits!
They are shooting and killing people with one hand and claimed that their other hand not holding the gun to be INNOCENT and can not be hit!? The fact is their left hand had been loading ammo into the gun! So even the right hand was the one shooting. Their enemies are fortunately not stupid enough to grant exemption nor immunity to any left or right side, they are counter attacking USA as a whole. Which is just a norm throughout the world and practised in entire history.
If there were anything called Terrorism it will be only the American B-52 bombing Vietnam, B-29 nuked Japs, Atrocities in South Americas e.g. Sandinista, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc. They kill and loot and then pretending to be angles selling human rights and democracy craps, they monger wars and sold arms even to their own enemies e.g. Iran - Contra Scandal, the cause conflict & bloodshed among brothers e.g. East West Germans, North South Koreans, North South Vietnamese, East / West European, Iran & Iraq etc etc.
Simply only fair that they have to pay back and face vengeance and not allowed to dodge with silly excuses. This is just righteousness and fairness and factual, not picking on them at all.

High-powered work is a bulwark of the defence power of the USSR. 1941.
With these posters and slogans, they would raise the spirits of the civilian Soviet people during World War II, calling to hard work and complete dedication in the fight against the common enemy.

Increase the fighting strength of the USSR! 1941.

Drivers! Deliver cargoes to the front quickly and with no breakdowns and accidents! 1941.

More metal, more weapons! 1941.

Worker, produce more shells to bring the victory day closer! 1944.

Good harvesting is a good attack against the enemy! 1941.

Defective goods are the enemy. Do not produce defective goods! 1941.

The country needs electricity. Those who waste it, are double wasters! 1941.

Which one of you can help the front most? 1942.

Provide the front with weapons and ammunition to help defeat the enemy! 1942.

The army and the civilian people united, are unconquerable! 1941.

Help the front with money! Provide it with weapons, ammunition and planes! 1941.

How have you hepled the front? Have you handed warm clothes in for the Red Army? 1941.

Collect scrap metal! Look around to check if there is scrap metal anywhere: at home, in the street, at a factory nearby, or a collective farm. Melting it to produce shells, we will bring the victory day closer! 1941.

Garrulity is a waste of time. When you are at work, do not get distracted! 1941.

Comrade! Make sure you has done everything to help the Red Army! Collect and bring warm clothes to help the soldiers defeat the enemy! 1942.

Comrade! Remember that a warm-dressed soldier will strike the enemy more violently. 1942.

Save coal to help the front! 1942.

All powers of the home front shall be sent to help the front! 1943.

I have contributed to this report about the achievements of our army! 1943.

Drivers and tankmen! Do not waste fuel! Remember that each Soviet tank needs 300 kilograms of petrol a day to fight against German agressors. 1942.

Working on the home front is as important as serving on the front! Each ton of wheat, coal, oil or steel is an attack against the enemy. 1942.

Go through each home and yard to find scrap metal! 1942.

Pioneers and schoolchildren, do harvesting! Compete with each other who can do it best! 1942.

If civilian people and the army work together, the coming year will bring the victory to the Soviet people! 1943.

Helping the front, you bring the victory day closer! Farmers, contribute to the tank and plane construction! 1943.

Help the beginners adopt your working experience! 1943.

The soldiers thank all the leading farms for their help! 19
Here is Uncle Sam in he ring of nuclear bomb switches and from the loudspeaker it is said that “Soviet Union offers to stop nuclear weapon tests”.
The ladder has “NATO” sign.
There is written “A Road To Peace” on the white strip.
And on the Pentagon building there is written “Pentagon”
Can’t figure out exact sense from this one, but on the bottom there is written “Our children shouldn’t be the last generation on the EARTH”. USA is somehow might be guilty if it happens.
“What a Dangerous Madness”
“Same years but different weathers”, red bar on the thermometer is “Soviet Industry rate”, black one is “American Industry rate”, small text tells us that there has began an econom crisis and dislocation in USA.
Hard to understand the text, but there is something written about Uncle Sam and UN.
In USSR there are many many new schools, in USA – schools are being closed all the time.
This is how USA and allies milking blood and oil from Middle East. The continent is Middle East, and there is written “Here again blood and oil is being poured”.
“Victory of Vietnam is a Victory of Solidarity”
“Youth Exposes Imperialism”, some of them hard to understand but they were everywhere in USSR.
This is how Uncle Sam and USA put their legs on Europe.
“Zero Solution”
Piece to Vietnam!
“Stop the Killers!” i.e. stop US AIR FORCE
“We are with you, Vietnam!”
“Freedom to the People of Chile”
This is how Uncle Sam and USA is exploiting labour of it servants, South America, Israel and some others.
“Humanitarian Help to Starving Ones in American Way”.