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Putin will to kill Chow Ang Moh's plasitic money - VISA MASTER MUST DIE ! == Trade War !



Russia may crack down on Visa & Mastercard over abuse of dominant market position
Published time: 1 Mar, 2019 06:47 Edited time: 1 Mar, 2019 08:53
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© Reuters / Maxim Zmeyev
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Russia’s trade associations have filed a request to the country’s antitrust authority on bringing action against international payment systems Visa and Mastercard over alleged abuse of market power in Russia.
The appeal was brought by a group of trade societies, including the Association of Internet Trade Companies, the Retail Companies Association (ACORT), and the Association of Trading Companies and Manufacturers of Electrical Household and Computer Equipment, according to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, as cited by TASS.
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Major Russian bank ready to shut off Visa & Mastercard, halves dollar holdings
The complaint is reportedly focused on interchange fees set by the payment systems.
An interchange fee is a sum paid by the lender servicing a trade outlet to the lender that issued the card, which is used by clientele of a shop. The extent of payment is commonly defined by transaction amount, and depends on the type of trade outlet and rank of the card. Card issuers usually outweigh the costs of issuing and servicing its cards, customer loyalty programs, and new services at the expense of that commission.
According to the applicants, interchanging comprises the largest component of the fees that most merchants pay for the privilege of accepting credit cards, representing up to 70 percent of these fees. The applicant party also said that the payment systems set various tariffs for interchanging in different retail outlets, which is seen as trade discrimination. The amount of the payment is also too high and unreasonable in the context of a developed retail market.
Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the government and the Central Bank of Russia to adopt measures to decrease commissions charged by banks for noncash transfers.
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Putin must invite Jack Ma & 马化腾 to Kremlin for makan! Got vodka & maotai 茅台


BRICS countries to create own payment system to cut dependence on West
Published time: 1 Mar, 2019 09:50 Edited time: 1 Mar, 2019 14:13
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© Getty Images / Jasmin Merdan
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The five major emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are developing a joint new payment system called BRICS Pay, the Russian media has reported.
BRICS countries want to create a special online wallet to integrate the payment systems of its five member states, Izvestia said on Friday citing the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Russia's wealth fund is reportedly working on the project alongside its partners from China and India, who have the necessary technologies to launch the system.
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The service will be similar to existing Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, allowing users to pay with a smartphone app no matter what currency the customer’s account is linked to. A special cloud platform is to be created to link BRICS countries’ national payment systems.
The pilot version of the payment system is to be tested in April in South Africa, who joined the bloc in December 2010, adding the last “S” to the acronym.
BRICS own payment system is to significantly reduce the dependence on transnational payment organizations, which is especially important amid geopolitical tensions, RDIF vice president told Izvestia. Meanwhile, the president of Russia’s Chamber of Commerce said that the integration of the national payment systems is a top priority for the bloc given financial market volatility and the dollar rate.