1) It only goes to show how SHORT-HANDED RUS is now, that it needs the President to fly a nuclear bomber himself....
2) Our PM have no need for such foolish displays. There would be MANY TRAINED ACTIVE & EVEN VOLUNTEER pilots to fly even non-nuke bombers on his behalf, not just to protect him, but the IDEALS of Singapore. to protect & save loved ones from harm under COLLECTIVE efforts, IDEALS that he as current PM & Founding/Forefathers represents.
3) Many scholars had pondered on why ancient ROME was great & ruled the World.
Rome was NOT great because of cult of personality. or its gods. Most present day would not had known or heard of ancient Roman tyrants, leaders or its gods.
It became GREAT thru the collective efforts of citizens, to grow, progress & evolve beyond mere huts to a city that is known as the eternal city even today, base upon Roman Ideals to uplift lives. (However, never, ever use today's WOKE lenses to JUDGE ancient Rome. They lived in a far different era than today's woke generation, are not perfect as NO mortal is but left a legacy of Ideals for other civilizations to grow, progress & evolve even better....)
It is a belief in each other, as equals & the privileges that citizenship entails, that made each other contribute towards society & Nation building - from famous & stable roads for commerce, to aqueducts for water supply, intelligent diplomats to persuade win win peaceful solutions for everyone, to even the courage of Romans in the face of far far more millions of hostile giant Germans, to protect their loved ones & way of Roman life....
4) The growth of Civilization is & never had been about Cult of Personality, as it is a dangerous path to evolution - dependence on one man. He dies, then evolution - good or bad, dies with him. It is about Collective Efforts from all in peaceful endeavors, that enhances & grows civilizations....