told you
lousy chinks
pathetic losers
if not, a mediocre country like yanks wouldn't have been
challenge whatsoever,
summore yanks dun have history or civilizaton
and popn only at 25% or less of tiongkok
lousy tiongs can't even take back tiong territory stolen by 10x less populous russkies century ago
i said clearly in past
middle east/central asia region
subsaharan africa
latin america
lacks nuclear power with ICBM
resulting in widespread destruction and suffering of millions upon millions of innocent ppl
or the same just waiting to happen
if ASEAN got strong military power like yanks or russkies, or even CECA-level military, you think tiongkok would be able to do sh*t in the south china sea?
if middle east/central asia got strong military power like yanks or tiongkok or even ceca-level military, you think yankees/russkies or their protectorate zionist terrorists would be able to do jackshit in the region?
if latin america got any strong military power like yanks tiongs russkies or even ceca-level military, you think yanks would be able to enforce monroe doctrine or other bullsh*t there or carry out numerous assasinations subversions invasions subjugation or domination of latino internal affairs?
at the end of the day it's military might not economy gdp or other bullshIt like secularism that matters
and russkies or even norkies are possibly the strongest testament to that
compare with germans or japs who cant even act independently need to rely on their yankee masters for next set of instructions whether to sit or stand