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Putin deployed troops at China-Russia border. Tanwahtiu what's going on?


Alfrescian (Inf)


The Chinese and Russia needed one another badly at this time. Chinese needed Russia to keep NATO and USA at bay. Russia do not want to lose the war either. Russia needed China to stay healthy.

The bric are the union of poor nation banding together. Yuan can't float freely at international market, but yet China try to be like USD trying to grow their yuan influence.


The Chinese and Russia needed one another badly at this time. Chinese needed Russia to keep NATO and USA at bay. Russia do not want to lose the war either. Russia needed China to stay healthy.

The bric are the union of poor nation banding together. Yuan can't float freely at international market, but yet China try to be like USD trying to grow their yuan influence.
Rubbish. You know nuts abt BRICS...