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PURPLE STORM for General Elections 2024

Byebye Penis

PURPLE STORM for General Elections 2024

1. Cost of Living

Our inflation did not slow down like other countries because they were self-inflicted with high COEs and Rentals.

2. GST Hike
We increased GST when inflation was the highest in recent memory.

3. Retrenchment
Investors are no longer keen to hire in Singapore due to soaring SGD and overheads.

4. Hyflux's Fraud
Over 60,000 investors' savings wiped out overnight and MAS covering up non-disclosures by DBS (underwriter) and Hyflux's directors.

5. Corruption & Conflicts of Interests
Iswaran's issues are minor but Ridout is an outright conflict-of-interests and failure of governance.

6. Massive Property Tax Hikes
Faced with higher interest rates, industrial, commercial and investment property owners are also slapped with the steepest property tax high (adjustment in Annual Value).

7. Section 377A Repealed
Singapore hardly enforced Section 377A while in force and its repeal had encouraged more LGBT contents in our media and society despite assurances to religious groups.

8. MOE's Position in Palestine-Israel Conflicts
MOE intervened when pro-palestine messages are all over schools' physical message boards and chatgroups.

9. Housing Costs
HDB's new projects had significant quality issues and housing and renovation costs had disheartened the youth about home-ownership and raising kids.

10. Excessive Foreigners in Education and Workplace.
Over a million foreigners add to our population every decade. Look at the cut-off points for JCs now. Many students in JCs and Unis are not local-born; it is harder to qualify for the dream course, scholarship and job.
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Byebye Penis



PURPLE STORM for General Elections 2024

1. Cost of Living

Our inflation did not slow down like other countries because they were self-inflicted with high COEs and Rentals.

2. GST Hike
We increased GST when inflation was the highest in recent memory.

3. Retrenchment
Investors are no longer keen to hire in Singapore due to soaring SGD and overheads.

4. Hyflux's Fraud
Over 60,000 investors' savings wiped out overnight and MAS covering up non-disclosures by DBS (underwriter) and Hyflux's directors.

5. Corruption & Conflicts of Interests
Iswaran's issues are minor but Rideout is an outright conflict-of-interests and failure of governance.

6. Massive Property Tax Hikes
Faced with higher interest rates, industrial, commercial and investment property owners are also slapped with the steepest property tax high (adjustment in Annual Value).

7. Section 377A Repealed
Singapore hardly enforced Section 377A while in force and its repeal had encouraged more LGBT contents in our media and society despite assurances to religious groups.

8. MOE's Position in Palestine-Israel Conflicts
MOE intervened when pro-palestine messages are all over schools' physical message boards and chatgroups.

9. Housing Costs
HDB's new projects had significant quality issues and housing and renovation costs had disheartened the youth about home-ownership and raising kids.

10. Excessive Foreigners in Education and Workplace.
Over a million foreigners add to our population every decade. Look at the cut-off points for JCs now. Many students in JCs and Unis are not local-born; it is harder to qualify for the dream course, scholarship and job.
You forget RIDOUT PAP Corruption


Lol, 70% dinkies are screwed, worse is job n education, imagine local U are foreigners,local kids eat sai n worse is these foreigners previous cert Don know from where, n worse is some locals qualify for local U but they are rejected, cb pap


PURPLE STORM for General Elections 2024

1. Cost of Living

Our inflation did not slow down like other countries because they were self-inflicted with high COEs and Rentals.

2. GST Hike
We increased GST when inflation was the highest in recent memory.

3. Retrenchment
Investors are no longer keen to hire in Singapore due to soaring SGD and overheads.

4. Hyflux's Fraud
Over 60,000 investors' savings wiped out overnight and MAS covering up non-disclosures by DBS (underwriter) and Hyflux's directors.

5. Corruption & Conflicts of Interests
Iswaran's issues are minor but Ridout is an outright conflict-of-interests and failure of governance.

6. Massive Property Tax Hikes
Faced with higher interest rates, industrial, commercial and investment property owners are also slapped with the steepest property tax high (adjustment in Annual Value).

7. Section 377A Repealed
Singapore hardly enforced Section 377A while in force and its repeal had encouraged more LGBT contents in our media and society despite assurances to religious groups.

8. MOE's Position in Palestine-Israel Conflicts
MOE intervened when pro-palestine messages are all over schools' physical message boards and chatgroups.

9. Housing Costs
HDB's new projects had significant quality issues and housing and renovation costs had disheartened the youth about home-ownership and raising kids.

10. Excessive Foreigners in Education and Workplace.
Over a million foreigners add to our population every decade. Look at the cut-off points for JCs now. Many students in JCs and Unis are not local-born; it is harder to qualify for the dream course, scholarship and job.
Correction....sinki can only leememeber $600 CDC coming their way..especially PG and MG who are wet wet their old ah folk underwear now as we speak, right Boss John?

Byebye Penis

Correction....sinki can only leememeber $600 CDC coming their way..especially PG and MG who are wet wet their old ah folk underwear now as we speak, right Boss John?
a lot of payouts this year for those staying in HDB, old uncle in wheelchairs also got spare money go KTVs now.

should be elections soon.

Byebye Penis

Lol, 70% dinkies are screwed, worse is job n education, imagine local U are foreigners,local kids eat sai n worse is these foreigners previous cert Don know from where, n worse is some locals qualify for local U but they are rejected, cb pap
Friend in Police Force told me that they dread handling foreigners and debt-collection companies.

Debt-collectors backed by lawyers can be rude to them, foreigners are backed by embassies.


a lot of payouts this year for those staying in HDB, old uncle in wheelchairs also got spare money go KTVs now.

should be elections soon.
They go to their fav Beer Auntie to smack their Kar cheng....while turning on their infamous 想当年 imagination tech to hallucinate they are once again in Begone Era at Lido KTV luxury room, their Tiger Beer will instantly becum XO Cognac
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They go to their fav Beer Auntie to smack their Kar cheng....while turning on their infamous 想当年 imagination tech to hallucinate they are once again in Begone Era at Lido KTV luxury room, their Tiger Beer will instantly becum XO Cognac
Best of all....Beer Auntie are instantly transformed to Yui Hatano


PURPLE STORM for General Elections 2024

1. Cost of Living

Our inflation did not slow down like other countries because they were self-inflicted with high COEs and Rentals.

2. GST Hike
We increased GST when inflation was the highest in recent memory.

3. Retrenchment
Investors are no longer keen to hire in Singapore due to soaring SGD and overheads.

4. Hyflux's Fraud
Over 60,000 investors' savings wiped out overnight and MAS covering up non-disclosures by DBS (underwriter) and Hyflux's directors.

5. Corruption & Conflicts of Interests
Iswaran's issues are minor but Ridout is an outright conflict-of-interests and failure of governance.

6. Massive Property Tax Hikes
Faced with higher interest rates, industrial, commercial and investment property owners are also slapped with the steepest property tax high (adjustment in Annual Value).

7. Section 377A Repealed
Singapore hardly enforced Section 377A while in force and its repeal had encouraged more LGBT contents in our media and society despite assurances to religious groups.

8. MOE's Position in Palestine-Israel Conflicts
MOE intervened when pro-palestine messages are all over schools' physical message boards and chatgroups.

9. Housing Costs
HDB's new projects had significant quality issues and housing and renovation costs had disheartened the youth about home-ownership and raising kids.

10. Excessive Foreigners in Education and Workplace.
Over a million foreigners add to our population every decade. Look at the cut-off points for JCs now. Many students in JCs and Unis are not local-born; it is harder to qualify for the dream course, scholarship and job.

You can throw whatever purple or rainbow storm at the gahment, and they will always tell you the same thing: its an honest mistake. Nothing to see here. Take this chicken wing and move along.


Alfrescian (Inf)
PURPLE STORM for General Elections 2024

1. Cost of Living

Our inflation did not slow down like other countries because they were self-inflicted with high COEs and Rentals.

2. GST Hike
We increased GST when inflation was the highest in recent memory.

3. Retrenchment
Investors are no longer keen to hire in Singapore due to soaring SGD and overheads.

4. Hyflux's Fraud
Over 60,000 investors' savings wiped out overnight and MAS covering up non-disclosures by DBS (underwriter) and Hyflux's directors.

5. Corruption & Conflicts of Interests
Iswaran's issues are minor but Ridout is an outright conflict-of-interests and failure of governance.

6. Massive Property Tax Hikes
Faced with higher interest rates, industrial, commercial and investment property owners are also slapped with the steepest property tax high (adjustment in Annual Value).

7. Section 377A Repealed
Singapore hardly enforced Section 377A while in force and its repeal had encouraged more LGBT contents in our media and society despite assurances to religious groups.

8. MOE's Position in Palestine-Israel Conflicts
MOE intervened when pro-palestine messages are all over schools' physical message boards and chatgroups.

9. Housing Costs
HDB's new projects had significant quality issues and housing and renovation costs had disheartened the youth about home-ownership and raising kids.

10. Excessive Foreigners in Education and Workplace.
Over a million foreigners add to our population every decade. Look at the cut-off points for JCs now. Many students in JCs and Unis are not local-born; it is harder to qualify for the dream course, scholarship and job.
A couple more handouts and all the above issues will be happily forgotten. Expect nothing new from typical sinkies stockholm syndrome in the next GE.


A couple more handouts and all the above issues will be happily forgotten. Expect nothing new from typical sinkies stockholm syndrome in the next GE.
plus so many new citizens
plus so many kpkb boomers about pap but come election will always vote pap one