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Public Transport attack in kOrea


A man in a South Korean commuter town rammed his car into passers-by on Thursday then got out and stabbed some, wounding 14 people in the incident near the capital Seoul, police said.

The unexplained attack in Seongnam came days after another rare stabbing attack in South Korea which killed one person and wounded three others.

Police said Thursday's assailant was arrested after apparently attacking people randomly. Media reports described him as a man in his 20s with a delivery job and suffering from some mental health issues.

The attack occurred near Seohyeon station, an area about 20 km (12 miles) from Seoul that has a large department store and other shops and where many commuters live.

Media reports said the man had crashed his car into a group of people walking on the pavement, and had then got out of his vehicle and entered a shopping mall.

Video circulating on social media appeared to show him chasing shoppers. Reuters has not independently verified the footage.


Many many sinki are potential a siao and need urgent help on their mental health well being


Must be sexual frustration.

Lots of temptations in their country but no chance to fuck them.

slanteis have always been sluts whores prostitues
this forum has a section on korea too. stinkies who visited korea and visited slanty whores.

why gooks can't be f*ucked raw or otherwise? all slanteis are wuhan virus carriers, they always luuuuurve ang moh kias.


btw plenty of japs and gooks love to live in malaysia
so do bangla indon pinoy and others like arabs used to visit malaysia in the past, turkiye uae qatar is well developed nowadays and closer so they can just pack up and move there nowadays. malaysia is just too far and asean region hardly got any history or civilization.

btw zakir naik and quite a few other Muslim "scholars" who were chased away from their own countries by kuffar govts (like in cecadia, or bangla - a vassal of ceca nowadays - or such are in malaysia too).

if your fellow slanties also prefer malaysia over stinkypura this shows malaysia really is a better option


Its proven that Capitalism provides for instability. In contrast, Socialism will provide for a more just and stable economy for a country. :biggrin::biggrin::FU:


The lack of social mobility combined with extreme wealth inequality always dun end well, look at China Ming and Qing dynasties.

Not even confusian can create a big enough illusion to hallucinate the mass public

Its proven that Capitalism provides for instability. In contrast, Socialism will provide for a more just and stable economy for a country. :biggrin::biggrin::FU: