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By Hoe Yeen Nie | Posted: 20 July 2010 2205 hrs
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Marina Barrage</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD class=update> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
SINGAPORE: Recent flash floods have prompted Singaporeans to question if the Marina Barrage is doing its job.
At a briefing Tuesday, national water agency PUB explained it has done so - citing Saturday's downpour as an example.
The intensity of Saturday's early morning rain caught everyone off-guard.
=> everyone = FAPee Dogs?
When the two-hour storm ended, more rain had fallen than what the whole of July normally sees.
It was the third time in a month that severe rainfall had caused flash floods in parts of the island.
PUB data shows that despite the rising water level, the volume was well within the reservoir's capacity.
At 5.30am, the flood gates were activated.
=> But it started raining much earlier than that, right?
By then, rain had been pouring for an hour.
=> There you go! Why the delay???
On the other side of the Barrage, the tide was also falling, and by 6am it was below the water level in the reservoir.
All eight gates were then fully opened to let excess water out.
The decision to drain water out of the reservoir, and how much to drain away, depends on several factors. These include how fast water level in the reservoir is rising, and if the level remains within an acceptable range. PUB says it also has to ensure that there is enough water in the reservoir to meet Singapore's drinking needs.
=> In other words, worse cum to worse, PUB will cause flooding to ensure min. water level in the reservoir! And that's after yaya and telling Msia that Peesai doesn't need its water!
Tan Nguan Sen, director of Catchment & Waterways, PUB, said: "The Marina reservoir was built for two main functions. One is to act as storage for fresh water, and the other one is for flood control purposes. For flood control purposes we want to keep the reservoir as low as possible, whereas as a storage for fresh water we want to keep it as high as possible."
PUB says if the level in the reservoir exceeded its upper limit, water will be drained out, either by operating the floodgates or the pumps.
But the Barrage may not release water every time it rains.
Mr Tan said: "Unless it is very sudden heavy rain, and we see that the water level is rising very much faster, we will as an added precaution release the water. We'll only release the water up till the lowest operating level that we have."
He also said the Barrage helped prevent severe flooding in the immediate areas downtown, though not in places further upstream, like Orchard Road.
- CNA/jm
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By Hoe Yeen Nie | Posted: 20 July 2010 2205 hrs
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Marina Barrage</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD class=update> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
SINGAPORE: Recent flash floods have prompted Singaporeans to question if the Marina Barrage is doing its job.
At a briefing Tuesday, national water agency PUB explained it has done so - citing Saturday's downpour as an example.
The intensity of Saturday's early morning rain caught everyone off-guard.
=> everyone = FAPee Dogs?
When the two-hour storm ended, more rain had fallen than what the whole of July normally sees.
It was the third time in a month that severe rainfall had caused flash floods in parts of the island.
PUB data shows that despite the rising water level, the volume was well within the reservoir's capacity.
At 5.30am, the flood gates were activated.
=> But it started raining much earlier than that, right?
By then, rain had been pouring for an hour.
=> There you go! Why the delay???
On the other side of the Barrage, the tide was also falling, and by 6am it was below the water level in the reservoir.
All eight gates were then fully opened to let excess water out.
The decision to drain water out of the reservoir, and how much to drain away, depends on several factors. These include how fast water level in the reservoir is rising, and if the level remains within an acceptable range. PUB says it also has to ensure that there is enough water in the reservoir to meet Singapore's drinking needs.
=> In other words, worse cum to worse, PUB will cause flooding to ensure min. water level in the reservoir! And that's after yaya and telling Msia that Peesai doesn't need its water!
Tan Nguan Sen, director of Catchment & Waterways, PUB, said: "The Marina reservoir was built for two main functions. One is to act as storage for fresh water, and the other one is for flood control purposes. For flood control purposes we want to keep the reservoir as low as possible, whereas as a storage for fresh water we want to keep it as high as possible."
PUB says if the level in the reservoir exceeded its upper limit, water will be drained out, either by operating the floodgates or the pumps.
But the Barrage may not release water every time it rains.
Mr Tan said: "Unless it is very sudden heavy rain, and we see that the water level is rising very much faster, we will as an added precaution release the water. We'll only release the water up till the lowest operating level that we have."
He also said the Barrage helped prevent severe flooding in the immediate areas downtown, though not in places further upstream, like Orchard Road.
- CNA/jm