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Serious PSP Supporters And Bock Bully PAP Supporters At Ayer Rajah Market! GVGT! Still Dare To Vote For Bullies, Sinkies?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It's a disgrace how PSP supporters are shouting down the good PAP supporters! PAP is undeterred. We'll press on!



Alfrescian (Inf)
Watch the vid properly. At the beginning of the clip, the Pappy por lumpars made the poor auntie feel intimidated until she left the table without finishing up her breakfast.. One Por Lumpar even had to signalled to the auntie to return back to her table.


Watch the vid properly. At the beginning of the clip, the Pappy por lumpars made the poor auntie feel intimidated until she left the table without finishing up her breakfast.. One Por Lumpar even had to signalled to the auntie to return back to her table.

the lady scared that the situation turn violent and she kena hamtum by psp supporters also

Scrooball (clone)

Tan Cheng Bock is out of touch. He thinks he’s some big fuck cos he used to be MP and was very arrogant when he said he don’t wanna be NCMP if it was given to him.