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Pse help to find this exciting hot HK Cat Fighting Vidoe online, 2 Char Boh fiece boxing on electric tram, GPGT!

democracy my butt


兩躁火女電車互毆 拳拳到肉

東方日報 OrientalDaily

3.9k 人追蹤

2018年8月3日 上午7:06


長裙女圖襲警 終被制服



Two bonfires, female trams, punching each other

Oriental Daily OrientalDaily

August 2, 2018


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The police officer put the long skirt on the uniform. (Internet picture)

[Reporter] The weather is hot and it is inevitable that you will be upset. On the Internet, there were two women who broke into a dispute on the tram and made a big fight. Four police officers rushed to subdue one of the women. The crowds applauded.
The clips were circulated in major social groups on Thursday. I saw two women sitting on the lower window of the tram, and the long skirt women pointed fingers at the white shirt women from time to time. Afterwards, someone suddenly shot, and the two sides immediately took a fight and punched the flesh. Some passengers separated the two and pushed out loudly: "Let go, let's beat people!" But the long skirt woman is emotional and repeats: "Hey, Hong Kong people... Hong Kong people!" "I am shocked you." !"
The long skirt female figure attacked the police and was finally subdued
Just as the two sides stalemate, the four police officers rushed to persuade the long skirt women to sit down and calm down, but she was even more excited to say: "Call the Hong Kong people, you will bite me like you!" Eventually the police officer put her in a handcuffed uniform. Many passers-by of the spectator incident immediately applauded: "Okay, okay, buckle up!"

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The white-shirted woman and the long-skirt girl wrestled on the tram.


HK police is very manly. They should treat ginfreely the same way if she go there kisiao


HK police is very manly. They should treat ginfreely the same way if she go there kisiao

Last week the HK 阿 Sir pulled gun and shot the thugs who try to ran over police at road block, where thugs got ambushed by police, for vandalizing the truck windscreens repeatedly. These gangster who threaten the construction truck firm. Broken windscreens of trucks repeatedly, and police ambushed them and blocked them. The 2 thugs hit the mata road block and got immediately shot 2 twice. Thug's car was shot and one thug was shot, but car fled.

One fucker thug later arrested at a hospital while seeking treatment for gun shot wound. He got bullet extracted while handcuffed. Another guy abandoned car, and fled for 2 more days before getting caught.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The lady in white started it all and then quietly "siam". Smart girl.


Last week the HK 阿 Sir pulled gun and shot the thugs who try to ran over police at road block, where thugs got ambushed by police, for vandalizing the truck windscreens repeatedly. These gangster who threaten the construction truck firm. Broken windscreens of trucks repeatedly, and police ambushed them and blocked them. The 2 thugs hit the mata road block and got immediately shot 2 twice. Thug's car was shot and one thug was shot, but car fled.

One fucker thug later arrested at a hospital while seeking treatment for gun shot wound. He got bullet extracted while handcuffed. Another guy abandoned car, and fled for 2 more days before getting caught.

Sinkie police must go there training.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The lady in white started it all and then quietly "siam". Smart girl.
if you watch carefully in the 1st 6.9 seconds the other woman was sticking out her hand and her aggressive gesturing hand brushed the cheek of the lady in white when she was standing up. it looked like a soft slap by her right hand. the other woman was obviously spoiling for a fight by touching the lady in white. in retaliation lady in white slapped the bitch hard and all hell broke loose.


yes... u need good cam like Huawei Mate RS to complete the circle. gay phone will always blotch on these juicy details.


A whore like you only get fucked and dumped, you will never have chance to get pregnant, you filthy whore
Knnbccb Malaysian sons of whore are so proud of doing sexual harassment be it online or offline need sexual harassment law to slap your ccb mouth spamming ccb lies of me.