Oh, is that what it was? If all they want are more babies, they could try to set new rules for FTs. All pregnant applicants willing to deliver their babies (males will get preferential treatment) in Singapore and allow them to be recognised as Singa Citizens will get priority in PR approval. Then ban all abortions by local teenagers.
isn't it plain to see? they want more babies from the locals, nothing more than that.
FTs are getting their PRs faster than before, especially if their spouses are locals, and guess what? their children born in Singapore would automatically add to the population figures. where both parents are PR, it's still a pretty tough call for the Govt. to make.
initially, only children born in Singapore of males citizens and a non-citizen female and children born in Singapore, and/or abroad, of both parents who are citizens automatically become citizens of Singapore. it was later extended to children of female citizens. thus, i wouldn't be surprised that in the near future, the children of PRs would be given this opportunity to become Singapore citizens if they were born here.
it is rather remote that the Govt. would ban teenage abortion, for a good number of reasons, we're still a rather conservative society and the social problems that comes along with teenage pregnancy and single parents and/or young parents would have a lasting impact. you'd think they'll risk it? :p
the baby bonuses, maternity leaves, paternity leaves, ease of acquiring PR-ship and/or Citizenship, you name it.