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Proof America Is The Most Corrupt, Evil & Murderous Nation On Earth



Quotes from Comments :​

I joined the Military, served 8 years. I left the Military knowing that our politicians are the worlds worst and most dangerous.

Trump: I need 6 billion to secure our border..
Uniparty: No, that's wayyy too much $.
Zelensky: I need 100 billion to secure our border.
Uniparty: You got it

I retired from the military and chose to continue on serving in government as a low level grunt with a view and ample opportunity
to understand how the sausage is made, and the real consequences. It has been a long, slow, and ultimately painful decades-long
experience to really wake up and understand the utter truth of Jimmy's simple proclamation "...your enemy is the United States Government,
and it's time you rise up against it". Truer words have never been spoken.

“Political corruption works by having an equally corrupt legal system to protect it.” ― Steven Magee

My wife is a school teacher. Today she was almost in tears because of how many kids at her school not only couldn’t afford lunch
but many don’t have school supplies or more than one jacket. One of them today told her she didn’t know what a Christmas tree was.
Pretty sad we have so many families and people in need and all our leaders care about is more money for private programs and to line their pockets.


Dumb American still doesn't realize why their forefathers allowed them guns!

To shoot at tyrants! Which currently is the president and almost all congress!

syed putra

My wife is a school teacher. Today she was almost in tears because of how many kids at her school not only couldn’t afford lunch
but many don’t have school supplies or more than one jacket. One of them today told her she didn’t know what a Christmas tree was.
Pretty sad we have so many families and people in need and all our leaders care about is more money for private programs and to line their pockets.
Its not only that. Go just avfew miles out from washington DC snd you can see people queuing for free food.
And yet, US jobless rate at all time low. Shops closed at malls. And feds using these data to kill off supposedly demand led inflation.