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prof fukushima: the covid vaccine is a bioweapon


Prof. Fukushima at Press Conference. (No.1)

"This is not drug harm. To be clear, the vaccine is not a drug, but a bioweapon with all kinds of toxicity. So many people have died because of distribution of the bioweapon. It's a massacre. It's a Holocaust."

Prof. Fukushima’s statement:

I am the President of the Study Group on Vaccine Problems (The official Name of the Study Group is Japanese Society for Vaccine-related Complication (JSVRC)).

As a doctor and as a scientist, I am gravely aware that we are facing a tremendous crisis right now. I could say that this crisis has just begun. This is a crisis of democracy.The people's right to access information is completely undermined. The government adopts a shameless attitude to keep totally disregarding the basic human rights such as the right to pursue happiness, and the right to live that are protected under the Japanese Constitution.

This is absolutely unacceptable!

Honest scholars have been documented numerous cases of vaccine-related harms and injuries etc., at their academic conferences.

The number of reported vaccine harms is 'many hundreds’.

This is not just an unusual situation.

Nothing like this has ever happened before.

What vaccines are causing are not drug-related harms.

Totally incomplete substance called a nucleic acid medicine, which is in fact not even a medicine, was distributed to the public.

So what happened as a result?

I dare say, "Murder."

We could say that a massacre has occurred.

This is more like a holocaust caused by a bioweapon.

Something very sloppy and half baked has been released into the world.

Trillions of public money was wasted on such a half-baked product.

We will address the post-vaccination syndrome which is classified as ’Adverse drug reaction’ according to the international classification.

It is high time to deliver appropriate medical care to patients affected by post-vaccination syndrome
in a truly serious manner.

Immediately, all doctors, all scientists, need to face this huge problem.