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Pritam Singh


PAP has increased Pritam's pay by 100%. Is there any ulterior motive behind the justification that PAP has now made Pritam Leader of the opposition and he now deserves the pay? Is PAP trying to test Pritam's character, values to see whether he is just like any PAP MP?

Pritam has wisely decided to donate the pay increase to help the poor. Well done, Pritam. I salute you

With that wise decision Pritam has shown PAP who he is and exposed the greed of PAP MPs.

Thank you and well done, Pritam
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he is very kind to donate his salary.
but i believe he should keep it because he work hard for it and he did a good job his constiucy. if he keep it i wont blame him because he deserve that salary.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Could be virtue signalling to the younger and future voters... see how generous the PAP is to an ethnic minority? :wink:

I can see through these tricks and shenanigans. :cool:


he is very kind to donate his salary.
but i believe he should keep it because he work hard for it and he did a good job his constiucy. if he keep it i wont blame him because he deserve that salary.
Yes, worthy of a leader. That is why I said, with this wise decision, Pritam shows he is not greed, unlike PAP MPs


Could be virtue signalling to the younger and future voters... see how generous the PAP is to an ethnic minority? :wink:

I can see through these tricks and shenanigans. :cool:
Yes, I believe pap has ulterior motives behind making Pritam Leader of Opposition and increasing his pay. PAP must know that any motive is a double edged sword




With LO being officially recognised in parliament, it will institutionalise role of opposition and elevate WP status. But there is no free lunch.

The agenda is to set the high bar for PS and WP with the hope they flopped.

With 10 MP and 2 NCMP, it barely enough to form shadow cabinet. Furthermore not all pap mp are of ministerial material. Why expect all opposition MP to be a shadow minister? On top of that, they might possibly need to take up 2 portfolios other than their MP and TC duties .


With LO being officially recognised in parliament, it will institutionalise role of opposition and elevate WP status. But there is no free lunch.

The agenda is to set the high bar for PS and WP and hope they flopped.

With 10 MP and 2 NCMP, it barely enough to form shadow cabinet. Furthermore not all pap mp are of ministerial material. Why expect all opposition MP to be a shadow minister? On top of that, they might possibly need to take up 2 portfolios other than their MP and TC duties .
Pritam did well to cancel out PAP's 1st lure and expose PAP's hypocrisy. Let us pray for extra wisdom that PS and the opposition has wisdom and not fear to rebuke pap's flippant demands and lures. SG voters are a wise lot nowadays and will support the Opposition and cover their backs. The more pap is reasonable, the harder pap will fall