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Pritam questions whether the PRC money has benefitted SG.

Aaron carter



Well, isn't that the best thing sinkies can do, wash other people's laundry?

After all it's in their genes they brought from the middle kingdom.


Of cos ,pap benefit from prc money that was confiscated, it affected the market n economy.y of sg, so many soh hai bought expensive pigeons holes, expensive cars, lol, it drives the market up fir unrealistic price of non landed, and also shop houses price,but pap will say no,lol, cos esp hdb many already kena burnt ,so after subsequent hdb ,the price stays,lol

syed putra

Multinationals use sinkie as a tax evasion hub too, but never discussed.
And sinkie act as a parasitic money laundering centre for neighbouring countries which suffer from low tax collection and affect their development plans.


Of cos ,pap benefit from prc money that was confiscated, it affected the market n economy.y of sg, so many soh hai bought expensive pigeons holes, expensive cars, lol, it drives the market up fir unrealistic price of non landed, and also shop houses price,but pap will say no,lol, cos esp hdb many already kena burnt ,so after subsequent hdb ,the price stays,lol
Do u agrees, Boss John?


Got CDC vouchers. Got cash payout next month. Got utilities subsidies. Got medisave top ups for old farts. What more do these dumb sinkies want? Are they so dumb to realize that these PRC monies are never meant to benefit them in the first place?


Boss John 又做到了

I Changed My Mind. The Fed Needs to Cut Rates Now.​

Waiting until September unnecessarily increases the risk of a recession.
July 24, 2024 at 5:30 PM GMT+8
By Bill Dudley

Bill Dudley, a Bloomberg Opinion columnist, served as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2009 to 2018. He is the chair of the Bretton Woods Committee, and has been a nonexecutive director at Swiss bank UBS since 2019.

Time for a new direction.

Time for a new direction.
Photographer: Nathan Howard/Getty Images

I’ve long been in the “higher for longer” camp, insisting that the US Federal Reserve must hold short-term interest rates at the current level or higher to get inflation under control.
The facts have changed, so I’ve changed my mind. The Fed should cut, preferably at next week’s policy-making meeting.

Before it’s here, it’s on the Bloomberg


Got CDC vouchers. Got cash payout next month. Got utilities subsidies. Got medisave top ups for old farts. What more do these dumb sinkies want? Are they so dumb to realize that these PRC monies are never meant to benefit them in the first place?
Banzai Banzai Banzai