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Princess Eva has her needs


Old Fart

Kakis' Club

Halo Mindef, can issue insurance against break ups before our Ah Bois check into tekong?

I recently received a letter from army to report to CMPB for medical checkup and that also means I will be enlisted soon.

I am together with my girlfriend for about a year and I am feeling very insecure as I heard stories of girls leaving their boyfriend when they serve NS. My nightmare came true.

My girlfriend told me that she will f**k my brother if i am to go serve NS. She demand me to fake a medical condition so that I do not need to serve NS. She also said that my brother seems interested in her.

I am feeling very confused as I do not want to lose her, at the same time I am very angry with my brother! How could he develop interest towards my girl?! Attached is the conversation I had with her. Please help me.



Alfrescian (Inf)
I am together with my girlfriend for about a year and I am feeling very insecure as I heard stories of girls leaving their boyfriend when they serve NS. My nightmare came true.

Only one year and kpkb until like this? Deal with it you Gen Z snowflakes, lol. :roflmao:

Fast forward 10 or 20 years, you would think back and say 'Good riddance' or 'Dodged a bullet'. :cool: