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Prequel of New Austria-Hungary Empire 2.0?



France 24 - International breaking news, top stories and headlines

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Hungary's Orban moves to form new alliance with Austrian and Czech nationalist parties​

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced he wanted to form a new alliance with Austria’s far-right Freedom Party and the main Czech opposition party. The trio is looking to attract political partners from other EU countries to successfully form a group in the new European parliament.
Issued on: 30/06/2024 - 15:06
2 min
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (L) attends a meeting with Chairman of Austria's right-wing Freedom Party Herbert Kickl for a joint statement, in Wien, on June 30, 2024.
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (L) attends a meeting with Chairman of Austria's right-wing Freedom Party Herbert Kickl for a joint statement, in Wien, on June 30, 2024. © Tobias Steinmaurer,



Al Jazeera

‘Patriots for Europe’: Hungary’s Orban announces new EU Parliament alliance​

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party and populist Czech ANO party led by Andrej Babis also join as Hungary takes on EU presidency.
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has selected 'Make Europe Great Again' his motto for the bloc's presidency [File: Szilard Koszticsak/AFP]
Published On 30 Jun 202430 Jun 2024

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPO), Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz and the populist Czech ANO party led by Andrej Babis are forming a new alliance in the European Parliament.
“We take on the responsibility to launch this new platform and new faction. I want to make it clear that this is our goal,” Orban told reporters at a joint news conference with FPO leader Herbert Kickl and ANO’s Babis, calling for other parties’ support.
The new alliance has been dubbed the “Patriots for Europe” and will require backing from parties from at least four other countries to be recognised as an official group in the European Parliament – where far-right groups have made gains.


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