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Posted on 24 Apr 2010
Woman pesters Tampines Giant customers for stickers to get a free wok
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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This woman, according to STOMPer JSTM, went around asking customers who have received stickers for every $30 spent at Tampines Giant supermarket, just so she could get a free wok.
In the STOMPer’s contribution, the STOMPer recounted:
“This picture taken at Tampines Giant.
“That China lady waited for the guy just for his stickers!
“It is a current promotion that every $30 spent and you get a sticker.
“After collecting a certain number of stickers, you can exchange them for a wok.
“Her husband was waiting at the counter and already had the wok inside their trolly and yet she went to every counter just to ask if there are stickers.
“She only stopped once her husband done with payment. Don't you find it so irritating?
“She pestered people just for stickers? Not that her husband could not afford as they bought quite alot there though. So now who is more ‘kiasu’?”
Woman pesters Tampines Giant customers for stickers to get a free wok
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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This woman, according to STOMPer JSTM, went around asking customers who have received stickers for every $30 spent at Tampines Giant supermarket, just so she could get a free wok.
In the STOMPer’s contribution, the STOMPer recounted:
“This picture taken at Tampines Giant.
“That China lady waited for the guy just for his stickers!
“It is a current promotion that every $30 spent and you get a sticker.
“After collecting a certain number of stickers, you can exchange them for a wok.
“Her husband was waiting at the counter and already had the wok inside their trolly and yet she went to every counter just to ask if there are stickers.
“She only stopped once her husband done with payment. Don't you find it so irritating?
“She pestered people just for stickers? Not that her husband could not afford as they bought quite alot there though. So now who is more ‘kiasu’?”