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Posted on 05 Sep 2010
Mother and daughter at China expo cut queue, then attack me and insult S'pore
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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A Singaporean STOMPer who is working in China, was shocked when he was physically attacked, and verbally abused at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 on Sept 4, by a mother and her daughter, who were apparently Chinese nationals with Singaporean PR status.
He said he and a local friend were queuing up at the Uzbekistan Pavilion at around noon when a man in his fifties shoved him aside roughly and cut into the queue.
Shortly afterwards, his daughter and wife tried to do the same, but the STOMPer refused to let them. This let to a torrent of physical attacks and verbal abuse by the mother and daughter on not only the STOMPer, but on Singapore.
The mother and daughter called the STOMPer a 'fatty' out loud in Chinese and said, "Will he die just by letting one person pass?".
When the STOMPer ignored them, he said the mother and daughter continued insulting his 'manhood' and refusal to let them pass.
When the STOMPer couldn't take it anymore and told them off and identified himself as a Singaporean tourist, the daughter replied:
"Oh! You’re Singaporean! We are Singaporean ‘flatulence’ (the girl has attempted to say ‘PR’ for Permanent Residence, but her ridiculous pronunciation has tagged herself as the Chinese pronunciation for ‘flatulence’) we understand you very well! You speak Singlish bad English *sic* and shamelessly speak it all day long!"
They then continued with their insults:
"Yes! Singaporeans are miserly, stupid and inflexible; can’t even let others cut queue for a bit! You deserve to work hard without earning much. You’re all poor blokes but pretend to be so high and mighty! Singaporean men are not men at all. The whole country is good-for-nothing!"
When the STOMPer tried to defend himself and Singapore, the duo accused him of scolding China and looking down on Chinese people and tried to create a commotion to gain the support of the Chinese crowd around them.
When she got no support from them, the mother started to hit the STOMPer with her fan and told him to go back and that he was not welcomed in China.
The STOMPer's local friend, then told the mother and daughter:
"You are not Chinese people anymore! You have rushed at the first opportunity to renounce your Chinese citizenship to become Singaporean ‘flatulence’, what kind of Chinese are you? If you hate Singapore so much, why shamelessly beg for its citizenship?
"My friend really made a good point and a cat immediately caught the unruly woman’s tongue."
The mother replied:
"I, er, we… we’re there only for economic gains! Singaporeans are stupid! It is easy to make money there!"
When they finally reached the entrance, the STOMPer decided to ignore the mother and daughter, but they threatened to follow them for the entire day to scold them.
When the STOMPer took photos of them and told them, they immediately started to slap the STOMPer's hand and retaliated by taking their own photos of the STOMPer as well.
They only stopped when the STOMPer threatened to call the local police.
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: China , insult , Chinese national
Mother and daughter at China expo cut queue, then attack me and insult S'pore
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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A Singaporean STOMPer who is working in China, was shocked when he was physically attacked, and verbally abused at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 on Sept 4, by a mother and her daughter, who were apparently Chinese nationals with Singaporean PR status.
He said he and a local friend were queuing up at the Uzbekistan Pavilion at around noon when a man in his fifties shoved him aside roughly and cut into the queue.
Shortly afterwards, his daughter and wife tried to do the same, but the STOMPer refused to let them. This let to a torrent of physical attacks and verbal abuse by the mother and daughter on not only the STOMPer, but on Singapore.
The mother and daughter called the STOMPer a 'fatty' out loud in Chinese and said, "Will he die just by letting one person pass?".
When the STOMPer ignored them, he said the mother and daughter continued insulting his 'manhood' and refusal to let them pass.
When the STOMPer couldn't take it anymore and told them off and identified himself as a Singaporean tourist, the daughter replied:
"Oh! You’re Singaporean! We are Singaporean ‘flatulence’ (the girl has attempted to say ‘PR’ for Permanent Residence, but her ridiculous pronunciation has tagged herself as the Chinese pronunciation for ‘flatulence’) we understand you very well! You speak Singlish bad English *sic* and shamelessly speak it all day long!"
They then continued with their insults:
"Yes! Singaporeans are miserly, stupid and inflexible; can’t even let others cut queue for a bit! You deserve to work hard without earning much. You’re all poor blokes but pretend to be so high and mighty! Singaporean men are not men at all. The whole country is good-for-nothing!"
When the STOMPer tried to defend himself and Singapore, the duo accused him of scolding China and looking down on Chinese people and tried to create a commotion to gain the support of the Chinese crowd around them.
When she got no support from them, the mother started to hit the STOMPer with her fan and told him to go back and that he was not welcomed in China.
The STOMPer's local friend, then told the mother and daughter:
"You are not Chinese people anymore! You have rushed at the first opportunity to renounce your Chinese citizenship to become Singaporean ‘flatulence’, what kind of Chinese are you? If you hate Singapore so much, why shamelessly beg for its citizenship?
"My friend really made a good point and a cat immediately caught the unruly woman’s tongue."
The mother replied:
"I, er, we… we’re there only for economic gains! Singaporeans are stupid! It is easy to make money there!"
When they finally reached the entrance, the STOMPer decided to ignore the mother and daughter, but they threatened to follow them for the entire day to scold them.
When the STOMPer took photos of them and told them, they immediately started to slap the STOMPer's hand and retaliated by taking their own photos of the STOMPer as well.
They only stopped when the STOMPer threatened to call the local police.
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: China , insult , Chinese national