So why doesn't he become a citizen and serve National Service, instead of shedding crocodile tears?
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Aug 11, 2010
PR moved to tears
ALTHOUGH I am only a permanent resident, Monday night's National Day Parade moved me to tears when the show featured glimpses of the tremendous achievements of this tiny red dot called Singapore on the world map.
It boggles the mind when one thinks of how resource-lacking Singapore turned itself from a Third World to First World nation in only 45 years.
My warmest congratulations to Singaporeans, particularly the Old Guard such as Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and the ministers and people who have made this country the world's cleanest, greenest and safest.
Last but not least, Singapore is now one of the richest First World countries. The 2010 World Almanac has it topping all the other First World countries in per capita gross domestic product, bar Norway.
Singaporeans should be extremely proud of this achievement by the Government and the ruling People's Action Party.
Dr Wilfred Chan
ST Forum
Home > ST Forum > Story
Aug 11, 2010
PR moved to tears
ALTHOUGH I am only a permanent resident, Monday night's National Day Parade moved me to tears when the show featured glimpses of the tremendous achievements of this tiny red dot called Singapore on the world map.
It boggles the mind when one thinks of how resource-lacking Singapore turned itself from a Third World to First World nation in only 45 years.
My warmest congratulations to Singaporeans, particularly the Old Guard such as Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and the ministers and people who have made this country the world's cleanest, greenest and safest.
Last but not least, Singapore is now one of the richest First World countries. The 2010 World Almanac has it topping all the other First World countries in per capita gross domestic product, bar Norway.
Singaporeans should be extremely proud of this achievement by the Government and the ruling People's Action Party.
Dr Wilfred Chan