<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=msgtxt>
<TABLE class=table_content border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=table_header width=104>
Scheme</TD><TD class=table_header width=95>
Citizenship</TD><TD class=table_header width=94>
(years)</TD><TD class=table_header width=262>
Family Nucleus</TD><TD class=table_header width=151>
Special Conditions</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD width=104>
Public</TD><TD width=95>1 SC* & SPR** or 2 SPRs</TD><TD width=94>21</TD><TD width=262><LI type=square>Applicant, spouse & children, if any; or <LI type=square>Applicant (single), parents & siblings; or <LI type=square>Applicant (widowed, divorced or separated) and children legally under his custody.</TD><TD width=151>
</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD width=104>
Fiance/Fiancee</TD><TD width=95>1 SC & SPR or 2 SPRs</TD><TD width=94>21</TD><TD width=262>Couple intending to get married.</TD><TD width=151>Marriage certificate must be presented to HDB within 3 months from resale completion date.
For couples applying for CPF Housing Grant, they must submit it on/before resale completion date. </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD width=104>
Single Singapore
Citizen</TD><TD width=95>SC</TD><TD width=94>35
21 (for orphans and widows)</TD><TD width=262>Single person who is unmarried, divorced or widowed.</TD><TD width=151>
</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD width=104>
Joint Singles</TD><TD width=95>2 SCs</TD><TD width=94>35
21 (for orphans and widows)</TD><TD width=262>Related or unrelated singles.</TD><TD width=151>An orphan or widow/widower aged at least 21 can apply with another single citizen who is at least 35. </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD width=104>
Spouse</TD><TD width=95>1 SC</TD><TD width=94>21@
35 #</TD><TD width=262>Married to a non-citizen person.</TD><TD width=151>@ Non-citizen spouse with at least 6 months social visit pass.
# Non-citizen spouse with less than 6 months social visit pass.</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD width=104>
Family</TD><TD width=95>1 SC</TD><TD width=94>21</TD><TD width=262><LI type=square>Applicant (single), parents & siblings; or <LI type=square>Applicant (widowed, divorced or separated) and children legally under his custody.</TD><TD width=151>
</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD width=104>
Orphans</TD><TD width=95>1 SC & 1 SPR</TD><TD width=94>
</TD><TD width=262>A single orphan applicant and his siblings.</TD><TD width=151>Unmarried siblings are not allowed to buy or rent separate flats under the Orphans Scheme.
If an orphan is the only child and single, he can apply under the SSC scheme if he is at least 21.</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD width=104>
Citizen/SPR Siblings </TD><TD width=95>2 SPRs</TD><TD width=94>
</TD><TD width=262>Two single siblings whose parents are not SCs and not residing in Singapore permanently.</TD><TD width=151>Siblings of the same parents are not allowed to buy separate flats.</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD width=104>
Conversion Scheme</TD><TD width=95>1 SC* & SPR** or 2 SPRs</TD><TD width=94>
</TD><TD width=262><LI type=square>Applicant, spouse & children, if any; or <LI type=square>Applicant (single), parents & siblings;or <LI type=square>Applicant (widowed, divorced or separated) and children legally under his custody.</TD><TD width=151>You can buy:
(i) 2 units of 3-room or smaller flat from the open market; or
*(ii) an adjoining 3-room or smaller flat from the open market
Note: *you must be a flat owner of a 3-room or smaller flat.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>*SC denotes Singapore Citizen
**SPR denotes Singapore Permanent Resident
[email protected]
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>