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Post Covid19 will be Golden Era


Super Moderator
Staff member
This covid19 crisis is indeed very very bad for the global economy. Many businesses are going bust. Many will not come back.

But I predict that after this is over there is going to be a golden era for economic growth, infrastructure building, consolidation of businesses etc.

The key is whether people were in massive debt before this crisis hit. Those who are will be hit massively.

Same for businesses. Those businesses that are financially very well heeled and have cash reserves will be out buying over struggling companies.

Many properties will go foreclosure. People with cash will buy.

Governments will start infrastructure projects. Build. Create jobs.

The environmentalists and naturalists and what not will be too busy struggling with their own finances and survival and have hard time raising funds. People will ignore them.

We rebuild. Growth will be massive.

Are you ready to take advantage of the coming boom after the bust?


This covid19 crisis is indeed very very bad for the global economy. Many businesses are going bust. Many will not come back.

But I predict that after this is over there is going to be a golden era for economic growth, infrastructure building, consolidation of businesses etc.

The key is whether people were in massive debt before this crisis hit. Those who are will be hit massively.

Same for businesses. Those businesses that are financially very well heeled and have cash reserves will be out buying over struggling companies.

Many properties will go foreclosure. People with cash will buy.

Governments will start infrastructure projects. Build. Create jobs.

The environmentalists and naturalists and what not will be too busy struggling with their own finances and survival and have hard time raising funds. People will ignore them.

We rebuild. Growth will be massive.

Are you ready to take advantage of the coming boom after the bust?
I predict the whole world would be a smaller place. Countries more protectionistic, globalisation slowing or reversing. Meanwhile Singapore will buck the trend, become even more open and getting less in return. Singaporeans will keep voting in the PAP as their lives worsen. More lame slogans like sgunite, team Singapore, sgsecure to follow.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I predict the whole world would be a smaller place. Countries more protectionistic, globalisation slowing or reversing. Meanwhile Singapore will buck the trend, become even more open and getting less in return. Singaporeans will keep voting in the PAP as their lives worsen. More lame slogans like sgunite, team Singapore, sgsecure to follow.
I agree and am with you on this.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I predict that in a few months this charade will be done and dusted and everything will be back to normal and the whole world will be wondering why the hell we overreacted to what was a pretty harmless bug.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This covid19 crisis is indeed very very bad for the global economy. Many businesses are going bust. Many will not come back.

But I predict that after this is over there is going to be a golden era for economic growth, infrastructure building, consolidation of businesses etc.

The key is whether people were in massive debt before this crisis hit. Those who are will be hit massively.

Same for businesses. Those businesses that are financially very well heeled and have cash reserves will be out buying over struggling companies.

Many properties will go foreclosure. People with cash will buy.

Governments will start infrastructure projects. Build. Create jobs.

The environmentalists and naturalists and what not will be too busy struggling with their own finances and survival and have hard time raising funds. People will ignore them.

We rebuild. Growth will be massive.

Are you ready to take advantage of the coming boom after the bust?
marijuana sales will take off too. this place is already packed with or without ccp virus.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
I predict that in a few months this charade will be done and dusted and everything will be back to normal and the whole world will be wondering why the hell we overreacted to what was a pretty harmless bug.


Those who are highly leveraged will be in deep shit.

Those who are not flourish.

Global debt crisis looming.

Countries will default on their sovereign loans. Currencies will devalue.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

Those who are highly leveraged will be in deep shit.

Those who are not flourish.

Global debt crisis looming.

Countries will default on their sovereign loans. Currencies will devalue.

It will all sort out just like it did after the spanish flu.


Super Moderator
Staff member
It will all sort out just like it did after the spanish flu.

This is a great opportunity!

There will be new industries.

For example I predict telemedicine will be here to stay. Which means I can increase my patient load. I have licence to practice in both Alberta and ontario.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

This is a great opportunity!

There will be new industries.

For example I predict telemedicine will be here to stay. Which means I can increase my patient load. I have licence to practice in both Alberta and ontario.

Great perhaps I'll pose as a psychiatrist and set up a telemedicine website too with video consultation. I'm very good at analysing mental issues and providing guidence. Nobody will think I'm bogus.

The billing system can be all automated just like those sex cam websites.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Great perhaps I'll pose as a psychiatrist and set up a telemedicine website too with video consultation. I'm very good at analysing mental issues and providing guidence. Nobody will think I'm bogus.

The billing system can be all automated just like those sex cam websites.

Your problem will be billing.

You run private right? So many will speak to you and not pay. Lol!

System will only work with ability to bill the government directly.

People are stingy and never want to pay.

Pay you talk talk only. Lol!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Your problem will be billing.

You run private right? So many will speak to you and not pay. Lol!

System will only work with ability to bill the government directly.

People are stingy and never want to pay.

Pay you talk talk only. Lol!

The way to do it is to buy tokens in order to activate video chat.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
No not much happening in SG for 6~9 months but 3rd world countries like INDIA, AFRICA etc... a lot will die this is population culling genocide at its best and reset all monetary systems brace yourselves for a NWO, 5G, AI and a cleaner Gaia.

This is inevitable change 'they' (the Watchers) follow the cosmic cycle just like upgrading to a newer bigger fish tank and those weak, sick and old need to go it's a cycle nothing much actually .... lol

Stock up slowly buy physical precious metals like gold and relax mai kpkb don't create even more unnecessary chaos and fear help each other out there's going to be lots of thef and robberies.... secure your house. Do it calmly.

Fear is the Virus.


Kidding. WW3 is coming .... beecock showing u their evil BE again but with mild power.

Chinese going to whack them asking $T of dollars of opium war debt. Humilating China was BE 5 eye mistake expecting revenge from Chinese.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Draw money out buy physical Gold stock up food secure your house the rest of ‘talks’ is cheap and useless.