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Possessed Woman explains how the vaccines are the devils work and steal your soul.


Possessed Woman explains how the vaccines are the devils work and steal your soul. (Must Watch) [mirrored]
This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.
First published at 15:49 UTC on December 20th, 2021.
Jim Crenshaw
Here is an explanation of what is going on in the evil world we are opposing.
(Note: This possession video is quite real. I have personal insight into actual manifested interaction with demons. I my case it was a demonic attachment or others would describe it as a demon assigned or tethered to me. I went through my whole life with unexplained dreams and events beginning from an early childhood molestation event (age before I walked) from a relative or family friend that I believe triggered or facilitated this attachment.

Satan knows the timeline and has the power to manipulate time and affect our free-will. I guess I was a triple threat because I eventually became a Catholic church musician in the praise ministry, my son is a Priest and lastly, I believe my story and its significance is suppose to be revealed through my over-whelming desire to convey truth here from my MyCatholicRedPill Bitchute/Rumble accounts and to expose the true nature and the agenda of the evil around us.

If this was my future, then an assigned demon would certainly try to alter course and steal my salvation and corrupt my future. In a near-death experience two years ago, without realizing what was happening to me, this attached demon in a total fit of desperation, fear and anger ultimately tried to both physically and spiritually destroy me. As in this above video clip, it was total repentance on my part from the life-long addiction and all sins in my life, plus my total affirmation in my belief in God at the lowest point of my life and the emotion of “love” that broke the attachment and spell totally. I am convinced that most addictions are demonically influenced. A story that I am reluctant to reveal in detail, but I know a story and some videos I must soon make as the Spirit keeps tugging me along.

I am in constant prayer to follow God's will and I pray for the discernment, understanding and wisdom to hopefully help people through this channel. It makes sense that we are called to be digital soldiers in this spiritual warfare, for control over information is where the battlefront is. Only my oldest son, a Catholic Priest, my second son and my wife to a certain degree understand this COVID genocide agenda. No other family member or friends will listen to me over the years. We are the ones that are crazy not to trust government, the MSM and the current medical tyranny going on. The demon projected in the video is quite clear, Satan is doing everything in his power to prevent people from repentance, in other words, reject the nonsense and false promises of our world around us and drug us to the point that we can no longer discern and seek God and the forgiveness from our sins and salvation promised by our savoir Jesus Christ.

Why I am compelled to tell my story or try to spread truth through this channel is the last thing I feel I am adequate to do because I am not well spoken, very introverted and my original childhood nightmares and night terrors for some reason suppress my normal thought recall? Hard to explain, but hopefully my future videos I plan will explain better. Thank you and God bless, Marcum)

Message To The Jabbed - Wake Up From The Spell Cast On Your Mind - David Icke Dot-Connector

Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law).


“A little birdie told me” Wink! Wink!

Please use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research.

Let’s all pray and together try to “wake up” as many people from the spell as possible.