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Positive news article about China became a negative one


A few days ago something happened in Beijing

Reporter Brett Sutton of Bloomberg wrote a News Article: Beijing slowly goes back to Normal amidst Covid 19 concerns

He mentioned clearly that Beijing was going back to normal, malls were slowly filling up and the people were starting to have a feel of the pre-pandemic days.

The Article was uploaded at 10:43 PM IST (1:13 AM China)

Then BOOM at 4:53 AM IST (7:23 AM China) - the Article disappeared.

I searched a lot but it vanished.

Then I realized the Article was still there but the Headline had changed to: Beijing stuck in Rut as Crematoriums and Hospitals flooded

It was edited by some person sitting in USA (or in the West).

The body of the news was virtually the same but the English was so subtly modified that a positive news article became a negative one.

Brett had said: The Head of Epidemiology said that they were optimistic about the lower severity of the disease and the far lower hospitalizations compared to the Shanghai outbreak that China managed to contain by breaking the chain of transmission.

This was completely deleted.

Brett had said: The crematoriums were working at full capacity owing to a severe staff shortage. The average waiting time was almost 6 hours compared to less than 90 minutes in the pre-pandemic days.

Thus clearly demonstrating that the crematoriums were full because of staff shortage and not due to extra deaths.

This was modified to: The crematoriums are working at full capacity and it now takes 6 hours for a family to finish the formalities due to the place being overrun with families mourning their dead.

Now implying that there were lots of bodies, cleverly bypassing the staff shortage.

Finally Brett spoke to someone who was identified by name who said: We were prepared for a wave of infections. We had been warned that it would rise to a peak before it would end and we are ready. We are satisfied with the response with the Government and the Fever Clinics have proved very useful. I am just glad we are going back to normal at last.

Instead this was deleted to a source that did not wish to be named said: We are scared and worried about the Efficacy of our Vaccines and that we may never go back to normal again. We don't know how many are dying everyday.

Now the Censors Office decided to Summon Brett to their offices and asked him for an explanation.

How is it that an Article that you upload at 1 AM changes so dramatically by 7 AM?

The Reporter looked genuinely embarrassed and said: The Editors are changing the news!!! They are modifying everything off site.

Thus Brett who is on the ground and writes reality is being phased out and his article is openly being manipulated into lies by some people in US who want to shape the news as per their narrative.

Their excuse - China is a Authoritarian Nation and is intimidating everyone and hiding stats.

Next Question: Who is this Unnamed Source? Produce the Sound Byte File please or the Video please

There was no Unnamed Source and no Sound Byte

That's how bad things are!

The Western Media is SO VICIOUS that they are ignoring whatever comes from their own reporters back in China.

The excuses they make is that the reporters in China are being intimidated or even worse - that anyone who says he is relieved that the lockdowns are ending - is subject to brutal CPC oppression.

How can you fight against such an Enemy?

They will write whatever lies they want to and they will ignore all the truth citing some bogus excuse - whatever number China gives is a Lie; whatever positive a Chinese says is because of Intimidation.
