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Posted on 14 May 2010
So expensive! This glass sculpture at RWS shop costs $59,000
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Would you pay $59,000 for this glass sculpture? STOMPer Skinflint spotted these extremely pricey artworks on sale in a shop at Resorts World Sentosa (RWS).
Skinflint wrote in his email (May 14):
"These pictures were taken at the shops outside the hotel at Resorts World Sentosa.
"The shops here sell only expensive items and they are patronised by well-heeled tourists. The watch here costs $59,000 and you can become a proud owner only if you are prepared to burn a big hole in your pocket.
"Photo 2: This glass masterpiece was created by the American glass sculptor, Dale Chihuly, and the asking price is $61,000.
"Photos 3,4,5,: These are also creations of Dale Chihuly. He is famous for creating multipart sculptures of dramatic beauty. His Seattle studio has now become a mecca for artists, collectors and museum professionals. He has also created art pieces from the plastic Polyvitro and these have been displayed outdoors."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
So expensive! This glass sculpture at RWS shop costs $59,000
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Would you pay $59,000 for this glass sculpture? STOMPer Skinflint spotted these extremely pricey artworks on sale in a shop at Resorts World Sentosa (RWS).
Skinflint wrote in his email (May 14):
"These pictures were taken at the shops outside the hotel at Resorts World Sentosa.
"The shops here sell only expensive items and they are patronised by well-heeled tourists. The watch here costs $59,000 and you can become a proud owner only if you are prepared to burn a big hole in your pocket.
"Photo 2: This glass masterpiece was created by the American glass sculptor, Dale Chihuly, and the asking price is $61,000.
"Photos 3,4,5,: These are also creations of Dale Chihuly. He is famous for creating multipart sculptures of dramatic beauty. His Seattle studio has now become a mecca for artists, collectors and museum professionals. He has also created art pieces from the plastic Polyvitro and these have been displayed outdoors."
Click on thumbnails for larger image