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Poodles Stop Responding to "Small Cases" Woh!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 23 Mar 2010
Aunty washes cars with hose -- right from home tap on 3rd floor


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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Some people would go to great lengths to wash their cars. This aunty, for instance, was seen washing her two cars with a hose attached to the tap in her flat on the third floor.

STOMPer Froze, who saw her, said:

"I caught this aunty washing her two cars (red and black) like a fireman fighting fire with a hose.

"Take note of the man on the third floor with the hose coming down.

"I'm angry because every time I reported the matter to the authorities, no one came over."


Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: wash car

The keyword is CHEE SOO JUAN, just mention Chee Soo Juan is washing his two cars with a hose from the third floor...a 'RHINO" mounted with a gigantic water canon will appear before you say, "WHEN"! ha ha ha
What's the fucking problem other than waste water ?

This Stomper damn boliao, there are other freeloaders abuse public taps lagi worse right?

At least this aunty use own house tap water, end of month, she happy to pub SP Power extra water costs, so what ?!

Better than the mock 'Water Splashing' Festivities in Bt Batok right ?
Yeah. Why so angry? What's wrong? Maybe he stayed one floor down
Frankly, I'm puzzled. She's tapping water that she's paying for to wash her cars. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with a hose from 3rd floor down? I can't believe some of these frivolous stomp complaints.
Frankly, I'm puzzled. She's tapping water that she's paying for to wash her cars. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with a hose from 3rd floor down? I can't believe some of these frivolous stomp complaints.

That's right! What's wrong with that?

Would the stomper complain if the aunty had brought down 10 pails of water from her flat?