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Posted on 02 Aug 2010
Warning: Check previous tenants before buying house!
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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For the third time in just two months, STOMPer BeePhang's front door has been splashed with paint. Even police reports have failed to prevent these incidents.
The maligned STOMPer sent us an email:
"In two months, the loan sharks have splashed paint over our main door and our neighbour's main door, three times!
"The borrower is a tenant of the previous owner of the house, who is not contactable. His name is Mr Low and his last known workplace is a pork stall at BLK 112 Pending Road.
"I have made police reports every time this happened but to no avail.
"I just bought the house in May this year.
"My warning to those who want to buy a house with an existing tenant - Make sure the owner evacuates the tenants at least 1.5 months before you buy it. Also, get a copy of the IC of all tenants!"
Warning: Check previous tenants before buying house!

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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For the third time in just two months, STOMPer BeePhang's front door has been splashed with paint. Even police reports have failed to prevent these incidents.
The maligned STOMPer sent us an email:
"In two months, the loan sharks have splashed paint over our main door and our neighbour's main door, three times!
"The borrower is a tenant of the previous owner of the house, who is not contactable. His name is Mr Low and his last known workplace is a pork stall at BLK 112 Pending Road.
"I have made police reports every time this happened but to no avail.
"I just bought the house in May this year.
"My warning to those who want to buy a house with an existing tenant - Make sure the owner evacuates the tenants at least 1.5 months before you buy it. Also, get a copy of the IC of all tenants!"