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Police looking for woman to assist in investigating shop theft in Suntec City



Police looking for woman to assist in investigating shop theft in Suntec City​


Posted on 03 October 2024 02:40 pm

The police are looking for the woman shown in the image below to assist with investigations into a case of shop theft reported at Suntec City on Aug 27.

Anyone with information is requested to call the Police Hotline at 1800-255-0000 or submit information online at www.police.gov.sg/i-witness.

Scrooball (clone)


Police looking for woman to assist in investigating shop theft in Suntec City​


Posted on 03 October 2024 02:40 pm

The police are looking for the woman shown in the image below to assist with investigations into a case of shop theft reported at Suntec City on Aug 27.

Anyone with information is requested to call the Police Hotline at 1800-255-0000 or submit information online at www.police.gov.sg/i-witness.
Maybe she stole a PAP flag. Then we know that’s a Sinkkie.