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Police: Foreigner says sodomised by local man he met in PJ condo gym


Police: Foreigner says sodomised by local man he met in PJ condo gym
Police: Foreigner says sodomised by local man he met in PJ condo gym

PETALING JAYA, July 6 — A foreigner has alleged he was sodomised against his will by a local man he met at the gym of their condominium here in March, district police chief ACP Shahrulnizam Ja’afar said today.

The complainant wrote in his report that he was sodomised after he accepted the man’s invitation to go to the latter’s condo unit on the evening of July 4, Shahrulnizam said in a statement.

“Upon arrival at the suspect’s home, the suspect allegedly removed the complainant’s clothing and began touching him inappropriately,” Shahrulnizam said.

“The complainant did not scream, fearing that the neighbours might hear and witness the embarrassing incident.”

The police official said anal penetration was confirmed when the complainant sought treatment at the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre.

Shahrulnizam said the case is being investigated as unnatural sex under Section 377B of the Penal Code, and cautioned members of the public to be wary when interacting with new acquaintances.