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PMPB (Parti Masuk Pintu Belakang) should not last long when Article 43(4) Federal Constitution is invoked at the next parliamentary sitting


Comments from Malaysian observers:

A breakdown of the Muhyiddin Cabinet by ethnicity: “Ministers 31: Malays 26 (83.87%), Chinese one (3.23%), Indian one (3.23%), Kadazan two (6.45%) and Dayak one (3.23%). “Deputy Ministers 38: Malays 26 (68.42%), Chinese four (10.53%), Indian one (2.63%), Kadazan three (7.89%), Dayak four (10.53%). “Total 69 (excluding the PM): Malays 52 (75.36%), Chinese five (7.25%), Indian two (2.90%), Kadazan five (7.25%), Dayak five (7.25%).

Current MPs are now prostituting themselves for the right price - to cross, to stay, to dissolve parliament

You have a cabinet which is 90 percent Bumi and these fellows are complaining MCA has got more senators?

This is where cracks and fissures appear. Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has to balance things. He needs control to stay in power. Umno wants control. Those facing charges are in the leadership of Umno. They are restless.

I am so proud that we have people in our nation who are willing to lie, cheat, backstab, betray, forgo all moral and ethical values, and even sell their dignity, so that they can serve the people.

Malaysia Boleh !!!!!

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
The boat had already sailed.
Mahathir admitted himself. It’s time for Malaysians to accept the reality.
Wait till next elections. At least without the 2/3 majority they can’t suka suka amend the constitution like PAP


In a right mind pkr or Anwar is finished.
No Hope of use parliament to make a come back.
Unless Anwar use the people power.
But nowadays malaysia is in deep economy trouble who wants to go to street to support Anwar??
If he manage to use people power.
Worst economy become 1usd=5 myr

Anwar is already a loser many years ago.
He should just take a back seat in politics and spend more time with family

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
In a right mind pkr or Anwar is finished.
No Hope of use parliament to make a come back.
Unless Anwar use the people power.
But nowadays malaysia is in deep economy trouble who wants to go to street to support Anwar??
If he manage to use people power.
Worst economy become 1usd=5 myr

Anwar is already a loser many years ago.
He should just take a back seat in politics and spend more time with family
Dumbfuck you make this into Anwar’s fault.
The problem is with the Umno crooks and traitor politicians. Even the corrupt ahgong and sultans.
You can even blame the electorate if you want to.....they should have given the PH more votes.
Same same losers here blaming Dr Chee for opposition shortcomings


Dumbfuck you make this into Anwar’s fault.
The problem is with the Umno crooks and traitor politicians. Even the corrupt ahgong and sultans.
You can even blame the electorate if you want to.....they should have given the PH more votes.
Same same losers here blaming Dr Chee for opposition shortcomings
Did i said its Anwar fault?
What ever happened is history.
The results now is pkr lost in parliament and unmo pas Muhyiddin is authority winner now.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Did i said its Anwar fault?
What ever happened is history.
The results now is pkr lost in parliament and unmo pas Muhyiddin is authority winner now.

Tats right. All politicians jump ship. Traitors are common in politics. All man for himself. Just look at DAP.


Tats right. All politicians jump ship. Traitors are common in politics. All man for himself. Just look at DAP.
In politics either you winner or loser.
But if you keep losing so many times.
Then you should step back lets others capable person to stand in for the chance


If Muhyiddin can engineer najib, zahid and all those charged in court into prison, then this leadership is one of the best malaysia has.
If you can ride the umno tiger and make it eat its own shit and chase its own tail, the you are king of the jungle.


The Sultan was truly weird when he appointed someone to become PM when that someone is not the leader of a political party holding the people's mandate to govern the country. Is this democracy? No. He should have dissolved Parliament when the coalition broke up and let the people choose another party to govern. Had the Sultan exercised political power ultra vires his constitutional role?

Let the constitutional experts ponder and see how a losing political party in the last GE could worm its way to run the Govt in the country. An unique political development which makes the world laughing at the politicians and the Sultan in Malaysia.


Sinkies are lucky in the sense that even though paps love PS and FS to enjoy life in SG, they have not done back door antics to gain access to power. Paps might have re-drawn electoral boundaries to gain votes but it is allowable before election is called.

SG is the only country in the world where PS who are purely foreigners are given benefits and privileges like long lost children.

A Singaporean

Sinkies are lucky in the sense that even though paps love PS and FS to enjoy life in SG, they have not done back door antics to gain access to power. Paps might have re-drawn electoral boundaries to gain votes but it is allowable before election is called.

SG is the only country in the world where PS who are purely foreigners are given benefits and privileges like long lost children.
GRC is a form of back door. Those who can stand on their own 2 feet come in through GRC.


The Sultan was truly weird when he appointed someone to become PM when that someone is not the leader of a political party holding the people's mandate to govern the country. Is this democracy? No. He should have dissolved Parliament when the coalition broke up and let the people choose another party to govern. Had the Sultan exercised political power ultra vires his constitutional role?

Let the constitutional experts ponder and see how a losing political party in the last GE could worm its way to run the Govt in the country. An unique political development which makes the world laughing at the politicians and the Sultan in Malaysia.
Sultan chosen umno obviousi have his own agenda.
He knows well.
Under mahathir time the sultan lost so many rights and powers.
So he won't want mahathir to as PM.


GRC is a form of back door. Those who can stand on their own 2 feet come in through GRC.

Not true, leh. GRC is not back door. It is about best man, wins.

Although paps are notorious in making it difficult for oppies to run and win erection, oppies still got chance to win GRC. LTK proved he could still win in GRC. Oppies are not afraid about contesting in GRC; the paps are. So, what did Ah Loong do. He downsized like McDonald frenchy fries from GRC6 to GRC4.