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PM Sunak brings honour to Pakistan, kenya ( father), Tanzania( mother) and india( wife).

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Did the brits outsource PM job To infosys?

iCompaz - SG gave all blank checks to Infosys already via CECA

Infosys Compaz (iCompaz) is a Joint Venture between Infosys Limited and Temasek Holdings, both global leaders in their respective industries, and the JV was created exclusively to bring Digital

This Venture is set to have opposite reactions as I foresee the economy of SINGAPORE will be collapsed due to lack of decision-making skills by the MD and CEO of Temasek Holdings who is an Indian who determined to destroy the SG finance. Poor Indian in the Temasek would not know how to manage the risks involved here. SG Taxpayers money in jeopardy

Now you may wonder why CECA is celebrated in SG?


iCompaz - SG gave all blank checks to Infosys already via CECA

Infosys Compaz (iCompaz) is a Joint Venture between Infosys Limited and Temasek Holdings, both global leaders in their respective industries, and the JV was created exclusively to bring Digital

This Venture is set to have opposite reactions as I foresee the economy of SINGAPORE will be collapsed due to lack of decision-making skills by the MD and CEO of Temasek Holdings who is an Indian who determined to destroy the SG finance. Poor Indian in the Temasek would not know how to manage the risks involved here. SG Taxpayers money in jeopardy

Now you may wonder why CECA is celebrated in SG?
i believe this is a sign of more troubling things to come. First, singkieland was sold to China, not enough buying interest. Now off to India. It's a matter of time before this island gets overrun by CECAs in industry and population. Where do you think they're going to get their 10 million from?


It seems his grandfather is from present day pskistan.
you half-baked indian issit? there are tons of people on both sides of the border whose families were displaced. Where they were from before partition is only the stuff of family stories of regret. Nothing of substance.