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PM Lee jialat liao..... Apr 3 no mask close contact with Pelosi, Apr 7 Pelosi COVID+!!!


Will LHL spreqd to HO CHING?
HO CHING has underlying illnesses favourable to C19 virus?


See. Age 82 die hard to retire early.... still want to kpkb in WH&CH for what..... pre war baby shd step aside 20 years ago... a grandmother already... still kaypoh kpkb about country affair.... sick and mental health problem?

Age and aging follow behind everyone and anyone.... or add ahead of everyone or anyone...

Your descendants also aging with you together... you are 40 yr son is 20, your are 50 yr son is 30, you are 60 yr son is 40 and you are 80 yr son is 60.. so give your high seat away to your son who has aged to 60 already, and he is ready to shine to add value to the country....

Stop stealing the high seat from your aging son... old bastard bitch...