• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

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Pls don’t mess with Chinese communists because they are brutal.


San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus said that seven people were killed and one injured in the twin shootings, and that a 67-year-old Half Moon Bay resident named Chunli Zhao had been taken into custody.

As the new tragedy unfolded, detectives at the southern end of the state were still probing what drove an elderly Asian immigrant to shoot dead 11 people gathered in celebration at a suburban dance hall - before taking his own life as police closed in.


San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus said that seven people were killed and one injured in the twin shootings, and that a 67-year-old Half Moon Bay resident named Chunli Zhao had been taken into custody.

As the new tragedy unfolded, detectives at the southern end of the state were still probing what drove an elderly Asian immigrant to shoot dead 11 people gathered in celebration at a suburban dance hall - before taking his own life as police closed in.
why create this clone. use back your mother cheebye clone lag prickhead :rolleyes:

i can smell you a mile away


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tiong commies are deadly even when committing crimes of passion. :sneaky:



Alfrescian (Inf)
why create this clone. use back your mother cheebye clone lag prickhead :rolleyes:

i can smell you a mile away

Welcome back China/CCP fanboy! How's your prediction for Apple vs Huawei going thus far? :biggrin:


Aug 14, 2020
Wechat is interwoven into every aspect of the 1.4billion of chinese people's life. It isn't just a messenger tool like the useless Whatsapp. It's for payment, messaging, etc etc. If Apple is to comply with Trump's ban, Apple can wave bye bye to its consumer base in China market. No Tiong will buy an Apple phone when they cannot even install a basic Wechat app.

iPhone Reaches Highest Ever Monthly Market Share in China​

DECEMBER 1, 2022


San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus said that seven people were killed and one injured in the twin shootings, and that a 67-year-old Half Moon Bay resident named Chunli Zhao had been taken into custody.

As the new tragedy unfolded, detectives at the southern end of the state were still probing what drove an elderly Asian immigrant to shoot dead 11 people gathered in celebration at a suburban dance hall - before taking his own life as police closed in.
Probably a jilted old fool....Took revenge on those ladies who had jilted him..