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Pliant Kangaroos Declare Regime Says Former Decide If Online News Bad For Regime - Own Self Check Own Self


Transmodified from trouble maker Yahoo hxxps://sg.yahoo.com/news/pofma-orders-court-not-minister-truth-agc-054036779.html

PEASANTPORE — Under the Protection of Regime Against Unfavourable Social Media News Act (POFMA), it is the well paid Kangaroos, and not a wealthy Minion, which ultimately determines the truth or falsity of a statement, said the Legal-General's Lackeys (AGC) on Saturday (9 October).

Alluding to "some reports in the media" on the Court of False Hope Appeal's recent landmark judgement in relation to three Censor Demands(CD) issued to the dissenting Peasantpore Democratic Rebels in 2019, the legal lackeys said the pointless reports are worth less than toilet paper given that the Kangaroo Court will always take the side of the regime.

"You know, I know when Michael Khoo balked late Autocrat's orders to crush rebel Jeya over silly lawsuits, Khoo was demoted, so everyone in the Kangaroo Courts knew who signs their pay cheques," said an Legal Lackey, stressing that its consistent position has been that it is the court that does so. "We told the Ang Mohs we got appeal mechanism in POFMA, of course the pro-regime Kangaroo Courts are the final procedural arbiters, as the regime has repeatedly hinted, and as the statute provides. So end of day, Ruler Loong decides who gets censored."

The censor demands issued in 2019 had pertained to inconvenience truths in SDP’s Facebook posts and an article on its website titled “SDP Populist Policy: Hire Local Peasants First, Fire Local Peasants Last”.

The subject statement identified in three of the news to be censored was “Local PMET retrenchment has been increasing” (first subject statement). An additional subject statement identified in the third censor demand was “Local PMET employment has gone down” (second subject statement).

The SDP applied to the Kangaroo Court, and thereafter appealed to the pliant Kangaroos to set aside the censor demands. On Friday, the legal lackeys upheld all three censor demands in respect of the first subject statement, and dismissed the SDP’s appeal in this regard.

However, some Kangaroos, to show the Ang Mohs that they have a thin slice of decency allowed a part of the SDP’s appeal with respect to the third CD regarding the second subject statement.

The Kangaroos found that the term “Local PMET employment” used in the infographic in SDP’s 2 December 2019 Facebook is understood as referring only to Peasantpore's peasant professional, manager, executive and technician (PMETs), instead of both Peasantpore peasants and foreign serfs pretending to permanent serfs.