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Serious Please Guess???? NUS assistant professor charged with cannabis consumption and other offences!



NUS assistant professor charged with cannabis consumption and other offences​


Jevdic Dorde allegedly had the vape device and drug paraphernalia in a unit at Kent Vale Serviced Residence in Clementi Road. SCREENGRAB: GOOGLE MAPS

Shaffiq Alkhatib
Court Correspondent

FEB 29, 2024, 02:35 PM


SINGAPORE – A National University of Singapore (NUS) assistant professor has been charged with cannabis consumption and other drug-related offences.
Jevdic Dorde, 39, who is from the School of Computing’s Department of Computer Science, is accused of one count each of drug consumption and possession of a vape device containing a cannabinol derivative.
The Serbian was also charged on Feb 27 with one count of possession of drug paraphernalia, including four straws and a rubber tube.

In a statement to The Straits Times on Feb 28, NUS said Dorde had been suspended from work since August 2023 and will be subject to its internal disciplinary processes pending court proceedings.
“All NUS staff are expected to hold themselves up to high standards of professional and personal conduct, including abiding by the laws and regulations of Singapore,” a university spokesperson said.
According to court documents, Dorde allegedly consumed cannabis on or before Aug 4, 2023.

He allegedly had the vape device and drug paraphernalia in a unit at Kent Vale Serviced Residence in Clementi Road.

NUS states on its website that Kent Vale offers fully furnished apartments for its guests and visitors.
Dorde’s case has been adjourned to March 26.
For drug consumption, an offender can be jailed for up to 10 years and fined up to $20,000.
Official figures released on Feb 14 showed that the number of drug abusers arrested in 2023 was up by 10 per cent to 3,101, compared with 2,826 arrested in 2022.
The number of cannabis users arrested was also the highest in a decade, jumping 17 per cent to 277 in 2023, from 236 in 2022.
Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) director Sam Tee had said liberal attitudes towards drugs globally have shifted public attitudes in Singapore.
He added: “The global drug situation is worsening. More drugs are being produced, and more countries are taking a softer approach towards drug control.
“Lobbying by drug producers and other groups with a similar interest to liberalise the drug regime, through well-funded marketing campaigns, has also shifted public attitudes towards ‘softer’ drugs such as cannabis, and the misperception that these drugs are harmless.”
Despite the record number of cannabis abusers arrested, seizures of the drug decreased by 46 per cent to 71.79kg in 2023, from 133.41kg in 2022.
CNB had said methamphetamine, heroin and cannabis were the three most commonly abused drugs in 2023, with 94 per cent of drug users arrested abusing at least one of these drugs.


New Member
Just wonder what Mr. Sam Tee has to say about the use and abuse of prescribed medication as the addiction rate and psychoactive properties have equal devastating effects to street drugs?