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Chitchat Play Chinese Chess


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bad thing about Chinese chess is the 象/相 cannot cross the river, so it cannot really assist in attacks like its equivalent the bishop in international chess.

The 兵/卒 cannot advance too far ahead or it becomes worthless, unlike the pawn which can be promoted.

Good things about Chinese chess: there is no stalemate, you can 'block' the 马 and 象/相 and the 炮 gives you more attacking options.


To win in Chinese chess, must always keep one 炮 and one 车 to win. Without them you can never win fast and furiously...

If u hv come to lose yr 2 炮 and 2 车 seeds in the early stage of the game, can reset the game don't waste time. With 马 seeds left, they are weak weapon and is easily blocked by enemy to stall the 马. Dead meat.

Whereas 车 seeds can move in short or far distance are good for attack or defend move.

And so is 炮 seeds which can jumps in short or far distance, which is good for attack or defend move. ....

Many moons ago, I played the computer game Chinese Chess and won every game and win in less than 15mins. But took 3 months of my time to do that.

And it was only using the same strategy move to win all the time. Using only combination of 炮 and 车 to attack together or one defend the other, then wait to clear and attack again to win.

And I won every game which I cleaned up all the opponent seeds on the board, leaving only a few enemy seeds behind 士 and 象 to defend the 将 king, to help me to block the king too, to win the game.

If u use 炮 seed to do the attack it needs a seed to jump over, right. So u need some enemy seeds to help u to win too 不要吃敌人空.

As such in real war u need to keep some traitors from the enemy side, to help you win.

So when I kept winning all the time, and in less than 15mins, I ask myself can I change my attack strategy try not to kill all, or kill less, the enemy 乒,车,炮,象, 马 seeds to win.

That's after the war was over, I hv the enemy weapons and asset to become my military stocks to use in next war. Use my previous enemy to fight the next enemy.... hoot ahhhh...

Then I finally made it and have 2 strategy methods using only 6 steps move to 将 win the game. No enemy soldiers were killed nor weapons were damaged or destroyed. How good can it get.....uhhhh?

And everytime the computer makes these same first two steps move, I move my 炮 seed back to the previous position and start the 6 steps move to win 赢个好战 . And only scarify one 乒 seed to win. Use only 2 炮 seeds in 6 steps move to win.

The 2nd strategy was using 马 to win. Also 6 steps move to win.

Finally move on to the intermediate game, I won only 5 times which took me a month of my time to win only these 5 times. The computer are fierce and wonder how the developers can built the game to beat you all the time with no mercy.

Try to play the computer chinese chess game see if can win within 15mins every time,like me...
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Super Moderator
Staff member
To win in Chinese chess, must always keep one 炮 and one 车 to win. Without them you can never win fast and furiously...

If u hv come to lose yr 2 炮 and 2 车 seeds in the early stage of the game, can reset the game don't waste time. With 马 seeds left, they are weak weapon and is easily blocked by enemy to stall the 马. Dead meat.

Whereas 车 seeds can move in short or far distance are good for attack or defend move.

And so is 炮 seeds which can jumps in short or far distance, which is good for attack or defend move. ....

Many moons ago, I played the computer game Chinese Chess and won every game and win in less than 15mins. But took 3 months of my time to do that.

And it was only using the same strategy move to win all the time. Using only combination of 炮 and 车 to attack together or one defend each the other, then wait to clear and attack again to win.

And I won every game which I cleaned up all the opponent seeds on the board, leaving only a few enemy seeds behind 士 and 象 to defend the 将 king, to help me to block the king too, to win the game.

If u use 炮 seed to do the attack it needs a seed to jump over, right. So u need some enemy seeds to help u to win too 不要吃敌人空.

As such in real war u need to keep some traitors from the enemy side, to help you win.

So when I kept winning all the time, and in less than 15mins, I ask myself can I change my attack strategy try not to kill all, or kill less, the enemy 乒,车,炮,象, 马 seeds to win.

That's after the war was over, I hv the enemy weapons and asset to become my military stocks to use in next war. Use my previous enemy to fight the next enemy.... hoot ahhhh...

Then I finally made it and have 2 strategy methods using only 6 steps move to 将 win the game. No enemy soldiers were killed nor weapons were damaged or destroyed. How good can it get.....uhhhh?

And everytime the computer makes these same first two steps move, I move my 炮 seed back to the previous position and start the 6 steps move to win 赢个好战 . And only scarify one 乒 seed to win. Use only 2 炮 seeds in 6 steps move to win.

The 2nd strategy was using 马 to win. Also 6 steps move to win.

Finally move on to the intermediate game, I won only 5 times which took me a month of my time to win only these 5 times. The computer are fierce and wonder how the developers can built the game to beat you all the time with no mercy.

Try to play the computer chinese chess game see if can win within 15mins every time,like me...
is there an online chinese chess game site?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I like to play Chinese chest and International chest.

How about animal chest?
