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PLAAF can strike Sinkieland



RSAF dead.




China's B-21 Raider: The Xi'an H-20 Stealth Bomber Is Coming​

Xi'an H-20 Stealth Bomber from China

April 15, 2024 Topic: Security Region: Asia Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: ChinaB-21B-21 RaiderStealth BomberBomberH-20Air Force
China is on the brink of unveiling its highly anticipated Xi'an H-20 stealth bomber, a move that could significantly shift the strategic balance in the Pacific.
by Peter Suciu Follow PeterSuciu on TwitterL

Summary: China is on the brink of unveiling its highly anticipated Xi'an H-20 stealth bomber, a move that could significantly shift the strategic balance in the Pacific. First announced in 2016, the H-20 has remained shrouded in mystery, with sparse details emerging through state media and promotional videos hinting at its advanced flying wing design. Deputy Commander Wang Wei of the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has assured that there are no insurmountable challenges left in the bomber's development. The H-20, dubbed "Storm" by analysts, is poised to enhance China's long-range striking capabilities, potentially reaching as far as the U.S. West Coast with a payload of 45 tons. Comparisons have been drawn between the H-20 and U.S. stealth bombers like the B-2 Spirit and the forthcoming B-21 Raider. As the world awaits its official reveal, the H-20 signifies China's growing prowess in modern aerial warfare and its quest for a qualitative edge in nuclear and conventional strike capabilities.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Does it matter? China is fucked.

Better spend less money on the military and space vanity projects, and focus more on food and fuel. :cool:

syed putra

Does it matter? China is fucked.

Better spend less money on the military and space vanity projects, and focus more on food and fuel. :cool:
Like the US, China needs to spend on these projects to create growth. Soon, like the US, its economy may depend on fighting continuous wars overseas.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Like the US, China needs to spend on these projects to create growth. Soon, like the US, its economy may depend on fighting continuous wars overseas.

Nope, it needs to spend on these projects to project an aura of invincibility of power, to both the enemies and the brainwashed masses within its domain.

Then the money dries up and they use the money meant for infrastructure or disaster relief etc to pump into these vainglorious projects.

Then the fun begins.

Just like the Soviet Union back in the day. :cool: