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PLA Tailored Airborne Live Firing Exercise to Invade Taiwan - parachute and open fire once landed

Tony Tan


2018年06月10日 19:37:56 | 来源: 新华网

  飞行编队到达预定空降场上空,空降战斗员实施双路离机集群伞降(资料照片)。空军空降兵首次空降机步营全要素空地一体实兵实弹演练,日前在鄂北某地举行。这次演练按“条件未知、建制拉动、到达即战”原则,实施了人员集结、远程机动、物资空投、实兵伞降、要点抢控等十余个空降作战行动,全面检验和锤炼空降机步营作战能力。 新华社发(陈立春 摄)








2018年06月10日 19:37:56 | 来源: 新华网

  空降战斗员实施集群伞降(资料照片)。新华社发(方超 摄)

2018年06月10日 19:37:56 | 来源: 新华网

  作战物资随队连投,加快人装结合速度(资料照片)。 新华社发(方超 摄)

2018年06月10日 19:37:56 | 来源: 新华网

  机步营火力队使用某型火箭炮对“敌”阵地实施火力覆盖(资料照片)。新华社发(方超 摄)

2018年06月10日 19:37:56 | 来源: 新华网

  空降战斗车发射烟雾弹,掩护主攻队进攻(资料照片)。新华社发(方超 摄)


Air Force Airborne Forces First Airborne Full-Fledged Airborne Fighting Exercise
June 10, 2018 19:37:56 | Source: Xinhuanet
(graphic interaction) (1) Air Force Airborne Forces first airborne full-scale airborne combat drill
The flight formations arrived over the scheduled airborne field and the airborne combatants carried out a two-way deserted parachute (data photograph). Air Force Airborne First Airborne Air Forces Full-Element Air Force Live-to-Air Rehearsal exercises were held in a certain place in northern Hubei. The drill was based on the principle of “unknown conditions, institutionalization, and immediate access to war” and implemented more than ten airborne operations such as personnel assembly, long-range maneuvers, airdropping of supplies, parachute reduction, and point control, and comprehensive inspection and tempering of airborne aircraft. Battalion combat capability. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Chen Lichun)

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, June 10 (Zhang Wei, Jiang Long) Air Force Airborne First Airborne Air Force Full-air-to-air, full-body live-fire exercises were held in a certain place in northern Hubei. The drill was based on the principle of “unknown conditions, institutionalization, and immediate access to war” and implemented more than ten airborne operations such as personnel assembly, long-range maneuvers, airdropping of supplies, parachute reduction, and point control, and comprehensive inspection and tempering of airborne aircraft. Battalion combat capability.

"... commanded your battalion to implement rapid remote manoeuvres to carry out key points to take control of the task..." In the early morning, the commanding officers of a certain airborne brigade who took orders quickly took airborne parachuting, requested weapons and ammunition, bundled airdrops, Airport mobility enters.

“Battalion-level units have become the main units for airborne operations under the new system.” This brigade commander, Liu Lanqing, introduced that since the readjustment of reforms last year, they have been improving their command methods, optimizing the formation of battles, the use of security forces, and the training of professionals. A number of breakthroughs have been made in various fields, "achieving the effect of '1+1>2' for each combat element, enabling the battalion-level units to have the ability to quickly deploy the whole construction system in a short period of time."

At 13:00 on the same day, several transport planes arrived at the airport on time. Hundreds of fully equipped combatants quickly boarded the plane. More than a dozen heavy equipment and ammunition were loaded at the same time according to the combat organization. A few minutes later, the hawks were lifted in order by the battle formation.

"Jump! Jump! Jump!" After long-range air maneuvers, the aircraft arrived at the scheduled airspace on time, and the troops immediately launched multi-batch cluster parachuting and material airdrops. At one time, blossoming "umbrella flowers" bloomed in the sky.

After the landing, the firepower team first applied fire coverage to forward positions; the destructive team used a certain type of rocket demolition to open up the path; the main point was to control the team to take the initiative to attack and seize the “enemy” forward support point... in each combat element. With close coordination, the battalion successfully destroyed the "enemy" target and completed its mission.

After the drill, Li Hongxu, the chief of the battalion, said that through this airborne combat drill, the troops were beaten and tempered in an environment similar to actual combat, and they explored the way for further popularization and accumulated experience.

Air Force Airborne Forces First Airborne Full-Fledged Airborne Fighting Exercise
June 10, 2018 19:37:56 | Source: Xinhuanet
(Interactive Graphic) (2) Air Force Airborne Forces First Airborne Full-Fledged Airborne Fighting Exercise
Airborne combatants implement cluster parachute (data photographs). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Fang Chao)

Air Force Airborne Forces First Airborne Full-Fledged Airborne Fighting Exercise
June 10, 2018 19:37:56 | Source: Xinhuanet
(Graphic and interactive) (3) Air Force Airborne Forces First Airborne Full-Scale Airborne Fighting Exercise
Combat items along with the team's continuous investment to speed up the integration of personnel (data photos). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Fang Chao)

Air Force Airborne Forces First Airborne Full-Fledged Airborne Fighting Exercise
June 10, 2018 19:37:56 | Source: Xinhuanet
(Interactive) (4) Air Force Airborne Forces First Airborne Full-Fledged Airborne Fighting Exercise
The machine battalion fire team uses a rocket launcher to perform fire coverage on the "enemy" position (data photograph). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Fang Chao)

Air Force Airborne Forces First Airborne Full-Fledged Airborne Fighting Exercise
June 10, 2018 19:37:56 | Source: Xinhuanet
(Interactive Graphic) (5) Air Force Airborne Forces First Airborne Full-Fledged Airborne Combat Drill
The airborne combat vehicle fired smoke bombs to cover the attack of the main attacker (data photograph). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Fang Chao)


Invasion of Taiwan - 1st arrival of death = Rocket Army's DF-15 to knock out e.g. Pave Paws, Radar stations, Patriot position, runways, primary command center, power generation plants, primary bridges, communication exchange, defense data centers etc.


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Invasion of Taiwan - 1st arrival of death = Rocket Army's DF-15 to knock out e.g. Pave Paws, Radar stations, Patriot position, runways, primary command center, power generation plants, primary bridges, communication exchange, defense data centers etc.


Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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2018.06.10 10:12:54

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At the beginning of the war, the medium- and short-range ballistic missiles can carry out sudden large-scale blows to targets such as enemy command posts, military staging grounds, transportation hubs, and airports. In certain circumstances, they can even become one of the means to compete for air superiority. As a generalist and ground-attack generalist and fire assault main force, China's Dongfeng-15 missile has undergone various modifications. Installation of different guidance systems and warheads has not only become a powerful weapon for the Rockets, but it is currently the world’s most expansive range. Far, the most fierce strike force, the best accuracy of short-range ballistic missiles.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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Sina Military Depth: Recently, the drill of the Han Kuang 34 exercise on the other side of the bank has completed the drill. This year's deduction is based on the theme of “Silence by the Sea”. During the verification process, the land-based version of the Xiphoon II and Xifeng Sanan Ship Missile Maneuvering Launch Vehicle was discovered. It played an important role

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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This makes it possible for its defense department to use limited funds for the purchase of these two mobile launchers and establish more shore-to-ship missile positions instead of investing money in the construction of small missile boats.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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Prior to this, senior officials Li Ximing proposed the construction of 60 45-ton stealth missile boats. One missile boat will carry two missiles to obtain asymmetrical combat capability.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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However, as the People's Navy ship-borne helicopters are generally equipped with eagle-attack type-9 light anti-ship missiles, this basically unprotected missile boat is easily destroyed by helicopters hunting in the sky using anti-ship missiles, and its actual combat effectiveness is worrying.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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Therefore, it is now turning its interest from missile boats to shore-ship missile launchers. Since the two are similar in their combat objectives, they are all weapons that can be used as anti-interference weapons during the anti-landing operations.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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Therefore, once it has decided to increase the number of shore-to-ship missiles, it is possible to cut down the missile boat’s budget. In the final analysis, it is still a “poor” word, and only one of them can be chosen.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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2018.06.10 10:12:54

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Although the war chess debut on these shore-to-ship guided missile launch vehicles seems to be a big move, but in fact, on the basis of the lack of perfect position construction, blindly adding shore-ship missile launch vehicles is actually just cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and even helicopter anti-tank missiles. Increase the goal.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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It should be noted that although the shore-to-ship missiles are surprisingly powerful, their defenses are generally zero, so the general approach is to deploy them in permanent fortifications such as caverns, and if they are to be launched, they will be driven out of the caverns.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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This will not only be able to disguise well, but also be able to obtain the protection of the cave library.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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However, judging from the positions of the shore-to-ship missiles currently exposed, it is basically a few cars parked on flat ground. Although the car body is painted with camouflage, it is still easy to find for modern detection systems.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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These exposed shore-ship missile positions will be eliminated by the Dongfeng-15 campaign tactical missiles and aviation during the first wave of attacks, although the mobile launch vehicle can be maneuvered along the highway.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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However, if the cracking of regular roads cuts off, these huge mobile launchers will become quagmire, it will be difficult to maneuver on the land on the road, and then they will not be able to escape the fate of being annihilated.

Specially destroy Taiwan's airport base! The Dongfeng 15 missiles of our army show powerful power
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Therefore, from the use point of view, these two gyrocopter missiles are mainly used for anti-landing operations, and they have a role in combating landing ships. However, its deployment point is easily detected. In the early ballistic missile attacks and air strikes, it would be difficult to survive, and there would be no "win-win for the sea!" (Author's signature: Rainbow Photo Kursk)


Another self masturbation article about ah tiong land capabilities. Soo atas the military n the Fuckeins willing to surrender n still they don't invade. Wat a bunch of cowards. Guess ah tiong military only good at shooting its own ppl.