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Pious muslim father murders his daughter, with help from his son, over her relationship with an infidel



The Sitapur district police has slapped the National Security Act (NSA) against Faiyyaz Alam and his son Zahir, who are in jail for the murder of Faiyyaz’s daughter Shabrin in December 2021.

The father and son had killed Shabrin after they came to know that she was in a relationship with one Ranjit.

SHO Kotwali, T.P. Singh said that on December 24, 2021, locals in Mustafabad village informed the police that one Shabrin, who was in her early 20s, had committed suicide by hanging herself outside her house. Her brother and father were absconding.

“A police team reached the spot and took her to the hospital, where she was declared dead,” said Singh.

The post-mortem report showed that Shabrin was first strangled and then hanged to make it look like suicide, said the police.

The probe showed that Shabrin was in a relationship with Ranjit, who was missing. Six days later they recovered Ranjit’s body from the Sharda River, police said.

Later, the probe established that Faiyyaz and Zahir had first killed Ranjit and dumped his body in the Sharda River and later they killed Shabrin….


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
So that's how moslems keep other moslems within the mohammedan religion.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You are right, islam is a facist religion. They say islam is perfect and incorruptable.

Strangely, moslems admit that their final revelation, quran, isn't final. They all admit that islamic religious authority can also come from the hadith, a religious book compiled at least 250 years after the quran.

In islam, 'final' is defined differently from how most people define final. Same for 'incorruptable'. In some arab countrie alone, they already have different versions of the qurans in circulation.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

