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Pinoyland's hookers don't use birth control? Is it because of Catholicism?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

Sinkieland is forever short of maids, they are welcome to work here.

There are loads of fatherless kids in NZ, USA, OZ etc and it has nothing to do with sex tourism.

One child in four in single-parent home
Bronwyn Torrie16:43, Apr 30 2011

New Zealand has the third-highest rate of children living in single-parent homes, an OECD study says.
This means nearly one in four Kiwi children are growing up in single-parent homes as more marriages break up and single women choose to enter motherhood on their own.
Of 27 industrialised countries, New Zealand ranked third in the Doing Better for Families study, with 23.7 per cent of children living in a one-parent household, compared with the 14.9 per cent average across all countries. The United States ranked first with 25.9 per cent and Ireland was second with 24.3 per cent.
Children's Commissioner John Angus said Kiwi children were four times more likely to be living under the poverty line if they were being raised by a single parent.

Protector Cromwell

Pinoys are good in 取媚 and are good entertainers, the Filipinas' 媚功 are considered 一流, thus AMDK all like to engage their sexual services.

syed putra

Pinoys are good in 取媚 and are good entertainers, the Filipinas' 媚功 are considered 一流, thus AMDK all like to engage their sexual services.
Actually philippino band sucks. The music are lifeless. Like no passion singing and playing. One of the best band i witness was from Bali. They played like they were on fire! Full of zest.


Alfrescian (Inf)
When fact is pronounced as fuck and coke is pronounced as cock, you know Pinoy-land is a gone-case.