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Pinoy Navy found new Pride and Strength with Bayi Mach 3 Bhramos Missle ...



Philippine BrahMos Site
Construction of a likely BrahMos missile site at Philippine Naval Station Leovigildo Gantioqui in Zambales, Western Luzon.

(Copyright © 2024 by MAXAR Technologies via Google Earth)

Philippines Builds First BrahMos Anti-Ship Missile Base Facing South China Sea
From Western Luzon, Manila's new supersonic cruise missiles can hold adversaries at risk up to 290-300 kilometers away.


Premesha Saha, a fellow with the Delhi-based Observer Research Foundation think tank’s strategic studies programme, said India’s sale of BrahMos to the Philippines was a step towards the South Asian nation emerging as a strategic and security player for Southeast Asia, and by extension the Indo-Pacific.

India has reportedly also been in talks with Indonesia and Vietnam, both of which have maritime disputes with China, to sell them BrahMos missiles.


Stop reading at ' Bayi Missiles '

Close your eyes, guess Bayi Simi Sek? ( What colour?) LOL.



Philippines 'breaking from its shell' with submarine purchase
Experts say Manila signaling shift to greater emphasis on external defense

Top Philippine naval officials salute during an ASEAN military exercise in May 2023. © Reuters

RAMON ROYANDOYAN, Nikkei staff writer
February 2, 2024 16:56 JST
MANILA -- The Philippines' plan to buy its first submarine marks a step toward the Southeast Asian nation taking a more assertive approach to defending its interests beyond its borders, analysts say.

On Thursday, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. approved the planned submarine purchase, which is included in the third phase of the military's modernization strategy. The announcement came weeks after Manila was involved in a verbal spat with Beijing in the wake of Marcos sending a congratulatory message to Lai Ching-te, the China-skeptic candidate who won Taiwan's recent presidential election.



Pressure hull building process of KSS-III submarines
The design of the KSS-III was jointly designed by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (now Hanwha Ocean) and Hyundai Heavy Industries (now HD Hyundai Heavy Industries) - two of South Korea's largest shipbuilding enterprises; preparations for the design began in 2007.[23][24] The KSS-III is the largest submarine built in Korea and the first submarine designed with domestic technology, unlike the KSS-II submarine (Son Won-il-class submarine) previously produced in cooperation with Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW).[25][26]

The Dosan Ahn Chang-ho class, the first 3,000-ton submarine designed through the KSS-III program, achieved a 76 percent localization rate, twice as high as the previously license-built KSS-II submarine. The development process adopted a design process using digital mock-up simulation for the first time in Korea, and the hull was made of HY-100 alloy steel to withstand high pressure of deep water. Although the size of the submarine is larger than that of the existing KSS-II submarine, the noise is minimized by applying non-acoustic stealth technologies such as acoustic anechoic coating and elastic mounts. The submarine's interior is made up of large and small pipes measuring 85 km in total length and has 127 types of acoustic and electronic equipment embedded in.[25][26]

The first vessel, ROKS Dosan Ahn Changho, of the KSS-III program was designed as a system development process using experimental technologies to demonstrate South Korea's independent submarine building capabilities, but the second, ROKS Ahn Mu, is the first submarine to be built and commissioned through an official mass production process. Ahn Mu successfully passed 125 items of builder test, 208 items of harbor acceptance test, and 90 items of sea acceptance test during the trial run process from January 2020 to April 2023. It also includes key features such as VHF marine communication system, passive linear array sonar, torpedo acoustic counter measure, underwater radiated noise level, electric propulsion motor, which are improved from the previous Dosan Ahn Changho.[27]