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Pinoy/Burmese FTrash?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 24 Jun 2010
How inconsiderate of them to bring home shopping carts


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Zhen spotted two women pushing a shopping cart with them onto the MRT and thinks that they are inconsiderate of other shoppers who may need them.

Said the STOMPer:

"I took the MRT on my way home and I was struck by the sight of a woman and a girl pushing a shopping cart along with them. They even brought the cart onto the MRT when they board in Serangoon and later alighted at Sengkang.

"I think what they are doing is very inconsiderate. I do not know how others might feel. Some may think that it is normal but to me it is inconsiderate."
With this kind of FT they are bringing in, the MRT will be full of these trolleys. How come the MRT staffs allow this to happen? What mentality these FT brings to our country! Sad to say that the gov open their arm to welcome them here and wants us to intergrate with them. Soon our people also do the same thing and will be fine but they, no problem close one eye.
So you need to thank LKY for bringing in these ppl.

For these FTs, taking some property that doesn't belong to them doesn't equate to stealing?

Well, it really depends on how you look at things.

I could stop you Sinkies from ever taking your money away from me as I dabble in big lost making investments but that is not stealing..right?:D
everyday my flat downstairs got many such trolleys leh.
from ntuc to cold storage even caffore also got.
What happened to those security guards? Like this also did not check. I was carrying a baby and they wanted to check me. WTF! A chinese man going to blow up a MRT with a baby?
What happened to those security guards? Like this also did not check. I was carrying a baby and they wanted to check me. WTF! A chinese man going to blow up a MRT with a baby?
Maybe they were afraid that your baby pang sai.
Maybe they were afraid that your baby pang sai.

they oredi said liao baby cannot suck from milk bottle lor.
so they must check whether got milk bottle or not lor.
It is the same even in Vietnam. When i was posted there eons back, my room was in need of changing an aircon and the land lord arrange for the installation, after the installation job was done and workers left, i found my haversack ransacked and my second handphone missing. Called the police and the first thing they said upon arrival was that it was my fault for not having my things locked up and have no case against the installation workers.

Loss further USD200 to retrieve the phone engaging the local thugs, it was only USD100 for retrieval but i paid double willingly so that the thugs can arrange for some broken bones on the thief. It was money well spent!
Actually MM bring in FT to increase the IQ of Sinkaporeans. Asking them to think out of the box and groom Sinkaporeans Entrepreneurship. Imagine they bring home a trolley a day and sell their collection every month. Good side income la. It's MM's way of telling Sinkaporeans how pampered they are. So pampered by MM that they became brainless idiots.
A FW (Bangala or Indian),took a dump on the flight of stairs just below my flat on the 6th floor.. Big crap it was... So, this trolley stuff.. small case lah... The good thing is, the one who will have to clear it, is another Bangala or FW.. :D
A FW (Bangala or Indian),took a dump on the flight of stairs just below my flat on the 6th floor.. Big crap it was... So, this trolley stuff.. small case lah... The good thing is, the one who will have to clear it, is another Bangala or FW.. :D
How do you know that it was a FW who took the dump?
Don't jump to conclusion so fast leh! These two FTs brought the trolley - they paid for it by sliding one dollar coin into the slot.

Sama sama using vending machines to buy your can drinks.
Don't forget that the loss of trolleys by the supermarket will be passed down to consumers.