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Ping Guo User - pls avoid IOS18 at the moment



iPhone 16 Pro users are vexed by UI freezing and camera woes​

15 hours ago

Person reading a post on the iPhone 16 Pro.

Nadeem Sarwar / Digital Trends
I’ve had a rather fulfilling experience with the iPhone 16 Pro so far, but the start was anything but. During the first setup, the phone froze and I had to start over again, simultaneously dreading the possibilities of lost data or a booting hell.
Over the course of the next few weeks, I have repeatedly run into a non-responsive screen issue, prompting me to hit the lock button and start again following an unlock protocol. These stutters plagued me in multiple spots, from the camera app to the Mail app, despite switching form the beta to the stable iOS 18 channel. It seems I was not alone.
Complaints regarding iPhone 16 Pro issues on the Apple Community forum.

Apple Discussions / Digital Trends
Digital Trends searched through dozens of pages on the official Apple Community discussions forums and a trove of posts on Reddit. What we found was a repeating pattern of two major issues — overheating (apparently related to battery drain) and random freezing, especially in the camera app.