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Pig-faced chua mui hoong is so ugly, even my dog refused to pangsai on it


Took out a page from an old Shit Times paper to let my dog do its biz, and it just kept "shaking" its head and tail, refusing to take a dump like usual.

Wondered what's wrong, so I examined the page. Chua Mui Hoong's face was on it, now I know why.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Took out a page from an old Shit Times paper to let my dog do its biz, and it just kept "shaking" its head and tail, refusing to take a dump like usual.

Wondered what's wrong, so I examined the page. Chua Mui Hoong's face was on it, now I know why.

i thought your dog see the face liao...................scared until lao sai............. :biggrin: :roflmao:


Took out a page from an old Shit Times paper to let my dog do its biz, and it just kept "shaking" its head and tail, refusing to take a dump like usual.

Wondered what's wrong, so I examined the page. Chua Mui Hoong's face was on it, now I know why.
She might write about you or sue you if your bitch? Shit on her.


Took out a page from an old Shit Times paper to let my dog do its biz, and it just kept "shaking" its head and tail, refusing to take a dump like usual.

Wondered what's wrong, so I examined the page. Chua Mui Hoong's face was on it, now I know why.
Please do not insult your dog's intelligent.