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[Photo] - "The 7 most common reasons for breast pain"


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Before you click on the link to the article, can you guess the 7 reasons?




Alfrescian (Inf)
Not fondled or sucked enough, breasts will pain one.:biggrin:
hanor, the solid-tit-fication and hardening of the calcium deposits, when not sucked-out kompletely (like eating tulang) will cause pain wan.
hence the phrase "beating one's breast" in despair, in order for the remnants to drip out.
whatever few droplets that are gathered (in his name), are then known as the milk of human kindness - amen! :whistling:


Old Fart
hanor, the solid-tit-fication and hardening of the calcium deposits, when not sucked-out kompletely (like eating tulang) will cause pain wan.
hence the phrase "beating one's breast" in despair, in order for the remnants to drip out.
whatever few droplets that are gathered (in his name), are then known as the milk of human kindness - amen! :whistling:
You are a learned man, much respect for you. :biggrin:

Sibei YanDao

I can offer free breasts massage for females but if you are flat chested like Han hui hui below , save me the trouble pls.


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